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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. I just left some "processed" corn in your shoes, buddy. Honey... I'm feeling like roast rooster for dinner. Get the Hatchet! Got it
  2. gotta have sumpin fer dinner I suggest going vegetarian, buddy. corn fed chickens are the only way to go. Chicken and beer MMM MMM
  3. Becuase Tonya Harding doesn't live here.
  4. Best advice here. Don't spend your life on the freeway, live close. The freeways here suck. 405 is a parking lot.
  5. Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time. Okay for my humor list the crimes please. What happened to BrianMoore, I answered your questions. I'm calling you out. Where is your list?
  6. Simply wanted you to see that you were in a way calling me shallow for listing things and wanted you to see that we all are shallow in our own ways. Only you know your intentions on the pic so I can't judge you on it. But if it not that it something else. But hell I can say I'm sorry if I offended you. I made you feel bad and I'm sorry for that.
  7. arch I'm sorry if I hurt you not my intention. You probably will not accept but least I said it. Sorry.
  8. Thats funny. I have no problem with him saying that. hell we all are insecure in our own ways. Its being human. I can admit that. Since Seagal doesn't like the Kettle analigy, how about the person who doesn't think there shit stinks but everyone elses does.
  9. your guys' insecurities are so transparent... Yep, never said I was perfect. Just don't like Pots calling kettles black.
  10. Rodney. Got like him.
  11. This makes no sence! How can you be out of debt, yet be paying off your house still? No credit card debt. Say Hi to Arch your "I can't smell my own shit" friend.
  12. You think I'm going to be intimidated by you cause you have a cute ass???
  13. Hey and you posted your pic which was for what reason?? Just as boring. Don't tell me about shallow. You just can't keep from putting women down for posting their pics, can you? I feel pity for you. guess you need the point. You wanted to get noticed. I post what I have becuase same reason. You call me shit, well you call yourself shit too. Two faced, you only see things from your warped perspective.
  14. Hey and you posted your pic which was for what reason?? Don't tell me about shallow.
  15. Doing just fine. Do debt. House will be paid of in 11 years (4.75% interest) and a nice large 401K. If I have to work in a fricking office I want out early to enjoy the outdoors. (See myself in the moutains or sitting by a river fishing) Right now I have responsibities that require more than a van by the river. When I retire selling this place and buying 40 acres out in nowere with a barn and bunch of horses. And you don't think I know shit becuase everything I've said you spun around in your mind to say something else.
  16. I am those people. Last year I paid $14K in Capital gains--and historically that was a damn good deal. So until you learn about our tax system and understand your responsibility to it, don't bother telling me I have no grounds in reality. I did taxes (personal and corporate) for 2 1/2 years in the mid 90's at a CPA firm. While tax laws change I did have tax classes in College and was even the Tax teachers personal grader. So I do know a little too. I will admit that I don't keep up on on all current changes as much now as I'm not doing that for a living but I will say I probably know more than the average person. Expert, no.
  17. Jury is out on her. Just making a point. You on the other hand are a knob. If he can pound so be it, least I will learn something. I've yet to see his list.
  18. Iraq war. Congress authorized the use of force AND continues to fund it, beyotch. Don't worry he'll come back and say thats speculation. Even though he doesn't know what the hell it means.
  19. Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time. Okay for my humor list the crimes please. I'm waiting or is the list that long?
  20. No it means "if" they leave for that reason I would understand. Otherwise I don't. Where the fuck is the speculation in that? Man your dense.
  21. How on holy gods planet do you know why these men and women are leaving their posts? Did you see the "if" it fucking means something. Read dipshit.
  22. I think I would feel more sorry for them had they been drafted. They went of there own free will. Swore to defend and follow. Only part that makes me feel sorry for them is if they are leaving becuase they are being kept longer that what they signed up for. That I think is wrong.
  23. Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time. Okay for my humor list the crimes please.
  24. Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's
  25. Let’s talk about Kerry. Could you refresh my memory please? Did he go AWOL? And yes I am comparing him to Bush. And this has to do with??? Ask the question.
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