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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Seahawks


    LOl Okay. I see "my obvious error". okay.
  2. Seahawks


    I play plenty Cancun was nice in November. Minx true colors coming out. yes my true colors are showing...dark and grey. yes, seahawks, i am a grade A, #1, best in show, bitch. i've never pretended to be anything other than mean, surly, slightly vindictive and bitter. BUT that doesn't change the fact that you were being boastful. 2 weeks in cancun is just manadatory vacation time for a lot of jobs and not even that interesting a locale. so get off your high horse and put your tiny little dick back in your pants. your bank account doesn't matter here and certainly doesn't merit bragging rights. there's plenty of people posting here that have sizable accounts, some are probably debt free, some probably put your networth to shame and none feel the need to brag about it. didn't your mamma teach that it's rude and crass to talk about money? If I didn't forget he insulted me. Not the reverse so save your speach for him.
  3. Seahawks


    I try. I have $0 debt and house will be paid off in 11 years. (rate 4.75%) I plan on retiring early and enjoying the outdoors. Hate being in an office. 0 debt = 0 credit improvement Obviously though, you have debt, otherwise your house would not have 11 years left on it. Remember that your mortgage is one of your best writeoffs. And as Strumpett knows, you can write off two homes, not just one. Credit rating is very high, that why rate was so good on house. Your house if have a business there you can write off part of the house and then live in it for years after that and not even have to reconize gain on the depreciation for the business. Excellent little tax loop.
  4. Seahawks


    I play plenty Cancun was nice in November. Minx true colors coming out.
  5. Seahawks


    Are you bragging? nicely telling him to shut the F up. If he wants to come out nowhere and insult me then he better be able to take it. I am not sure your above statement could be construed as “nicely” telling someone to shut up. You know I don't care. His comments weren't very nice either. A bunch people on here that want to attack me on any stance I take becuase I beleive there is a God. Screw him and the rest. I don't care. He's rude.
  6. Seahawks


    I try. I have $0 debt and house will be paid off in 11 years. (rate 4.75%) I plan on retiring early and enjoying the outdoors. Hate being in an office.
  7. Seahawks


    Are you bragging? nicely telling him to shut the F up. If he wants to come out nowhere and insult me then he better be able to take it.
  8. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free. Not only is Seahawks a climbing dumbshit, he's a financial dumbshit as well. Hey Mr. Phil. wanna compare bank accounts dumb shit? Did think so, Go eat some more and roll that belly.
  9. Seahawks


    Good tax rate info. Very interesting.
  10. Seahawks


    All of our tax rates are going to go up. The demoghraphic of this country and debt demand it. Things are setup for some really bad shit.
  11. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free. Roths are not better b/c of this. You are paying your taxes on the money before it goes in. Besides the tax benefit of a 401k, your employer vesting is the most valuable part of this option. You should have both of these accts. I max both of mine out every single year. It is the first bill I pay every month. 401k are nice. Roth point was that what you earn on it is not taxed. That why some people use it. I don't. I put all mine in 401k. Having a Roth would help you diversify a little more. It sounds like you are making the assumption that you will have earnings at the time of retirement. There is no guarentee of this. You need both accts and a savings acct. Soemtimes I wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to pull all the money out right now, Tax rates have got to be lower now than later. All baby boomer retiring and Debt sky hight somethings got to give and it will be us suckers later. No. Not only will you have a penalty to pay, but you must assume that your earnings potential right now is higher than when you are older and you have low to no income. Not talking about what I already have in there. I don't want the penalty. I'm talking about my contribution each month. With two kids currently my tax rate is nice. I really do think it will be higher later.
  12. Seahawks


    Exactly and they will change it when they need the tax revenue. Count on it.
  13. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free. Roths are not better b/c of this. You are paying your taxes on the money before it goes in. Besides the tax benefit of a 401k, your employer vesting is the most valuable part of this option. You should have both of these accts. I max both of mine out every single year. It is the first bill I pay every month. 401k are nice. Roth point was that what you earn on it is not taxed. That why some people use it. I don't. I put all mine in 401k. Having a Roth would help you diversify a little more. It sounds like you are making the assumption that you will have earnings at the time of retirement. There is no guarentee of this. You need both accts and a savings acct. Soemtimes I wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to pull all the money out right now, Tax rates have got to be lower now than later. All baby boomer retiring and Debt sky hight somethings got to give and it will be us suckers later.
  14. Seahawks


    $1,000 child credit. (not a deuction) It helps alot, at least for me it does. Are your taxes that complicated??? you can get trubo tax at Costco. Taxes are easy no sense paying accountant.
  15. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free. Roths are not better b/c of this. You are paying your taxes on the money before it goes in. Besides the tax benefit of a 401k, your employer vesting is the most valuable part of this option. You should have both of these accts. I max both of mine out every single year. It is the first bill I pay every month. 401k are nice. Roth point was that what you earn on it is not taxed. That why some people use it. I don't. I put all mine in 401k.
  16. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free.
  17. Seahawks


    Good way to go. I did that one year and didn't have enough withheld. Ouch it hurt. Havn't done that again. Hardto get Audited if you don't make over 100k unless your taking some ungodly deductions.
  18. Seahawks


    Don't confuse nice with stupid. Nice come back!
  19. Seahawks


    I actually feel bad for him. This coming from the person he hassled the most. He seemed like a nice enough person. K-fed wish you well in what you do, dude.
  20. Seahawks


    Bring it on, if you want a Nazi Sympathizer over me. Ready for the battle.
  21. Weren't you knocking me yesterday about poor topics non climbing related?? Pot and the Kettle. Wow.
  22. Seahawks


    He'll be back, can fly's stay away from shit?
  23. http://www.komotv.com/news/6627447.html
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