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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Where you aiming at Kevbone??? Not what I expected. Cute and holding a gun impressive.
  2. You sound like that is a bad thing. guess if I was married to Hilliary I might want that too.
  3. Seahawks


    guess his "done" was just through the weekend.
  4. its actually very DIFFICULT not to ..... however dangerous and dextructive he is. mr clinton gets my vote and thanks for a simple , often not appreciated accomplishement: NO WAR. (no' manhattan renovation project' fire starter.) he had to contend with the same multinats and pentagon/ mil-ind-complex yet managed to keep our aggression and invasions at a minimum. that was the last time OUR planet was safe. LOL what a Joke. How many Millions did Mr. Clinton let die in Rwanda??? He was a joke. He only wanted his cock sucked.
  5. Why do you say he is full of shit?? Just curious. Anything concrete to back that up? I found the web sites interesting at least to hear the other side of the debate.
  6. and if the liberals ran it one person would run and everyone would get ribons for first, paid for by the one running.
  7. Interesting web site. I found the same article on CNN, buried. Thats why I have hard time believing all the Global warming crap. Hard to sort out what truth and whats for for political agenda.
  8. Al Gore unabashedly announced in Congress this week that he’s coming for our wallets. In his over-the-top testimony about global warming being a “planetary emergency” and “the greatest crisis we’ve ever faced,” Gore testified on behalf of energy taxes and other policies that would result in more expensive energy — including a total ban on the incandescent light bulb. For attentive listeners, Gore also contradicted his own prior statements and debunked his alarmism. Testifying before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on Wednesday, Gore drew mostly praise and softball — if not sycophantic — questions from congressional Democrats and even many Republicans. Those few Republicans like Texas Rep. Joe Barton and Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe who tried to grill Gore operated at quite a disadvantage given that they were no longer the chairmen of their committees and had little control over the hearing process. Al Gore’s Congressional Lovefest Must-See Global Warming TV Al Gore's Inconvenient Electric BillThe Mega-Vitamin Mega-MythSaving Starving Children Should Trump Global Warming ConcernsFull-page Junk Science Archive In the Senate, Committee Chair Barbara Boxer ran interference for Gore by disrupting Inhofe’s questioning, and then added insult to injury by mocking the senator — to audience applause — for no longer heading up the committee. Ultimately, Gore’s exposure to tough questioning was extremely limited while the committee chairs allowed ample time for meaningless pleasantries and redundant fawning. Given what’s at stake in the global warming debate, the hearings were an embarrassing abdication of congressional responsibility. Nevertheless, there were several noteworthy instances reflecting poorly on Gore’s credibility, concern for the public’s welfare and scientific argument. With respect to his credibility, Gore denied to the House committee that he ever said global warming would cause “more” hurricanes. But all you need to do is look at the front matter of his own book, “An Inconvenient Truth,” where he writes, “The voluminous evidence now strongly suggests that unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes, including more and stronger storms like Hurricane Katrina, in both the Atlantic and the Pacific.” Gore’s testimony wasn’t given under oath, however. On the Senate side, Inhofe confronted Gore with the hypocrisy of his preaching to the rest of us about the need to use less energy — by taking colder showers, hanging laundry outside to dry and keeping our homes colder in the winter and warmer in the summer, among other things — while his own personal electric bill for his Nashville mansion is 20 times the national average. Gore responded that he purchases so-called “green energy” — electricity produced by wind turbines, solar panels or methane gas — for his mansion. What he failed to mention, however, is that he just began buying green energy in 2007, even though for years he’s been telling anyone who will listen that they need to green up their energy use. Moreover, the green energy he buys in Nashville is not entirely “green.” The power produced with methane needs to be co-fired with coal, which produces carbon dioxide. Sure, less coal is used, but Gore testified in Congress that he purchases green energy that produces no carbon dioxide and that we should essentially have zero tolerance for electricity produced with coal. Inhofe asked Gore to take a “personal energy ethics pledge” to consume no more energy than the average American household. Gore ignored the request. Missouri Sen. Kit Bond showed Gore a picture of a young girl who, because her family can’t afford to heat their home, has one coat to wear inside and another to wear outside. Asked how higher energy prices that would result from global warming regulations would affect the little girl, Gore ducked the question and only uttered support for the federal low-income energy program known as LIHEAP — the very plan that works so well, the little girl needs to wear a coat indoors. And at the very end of the Senate hearing, Gore inadvertently debunked global warming alarmism. Sen. Craig Thomas asked Gore the pivotal question of whether atmospheric carbon dioxide increases have historically preceded or followed increases in global temperature. If temperature increases come before carbon dioxide increases, the notion that manmade greenhouse gas emissions are changing global temperatures would have the cause-and-effect relationship exactly backward. Gore responded by describing how, depending on the Earth’s tilt and wobble as it revolves around the sun, sometimes carbon dioxide increases precede temperature increases and other times temperature increases precede carbon dioxide increases. That led attentive listeners to wonder, well, why worry about manmade global warming if it’s the Earth’s tilt and wobble that define the carbon dioxide-temperature relationship? Apparently realizing his self-defeating statement, Gore then tried to backtrack by saying that currently, carbon dioxide increases are preceding temperature increases. It was a desperate and revealing effort to get back on message. Fortunately for Gore, Thomas failed to pick up on the sleight of hand, his time for questioning ran out and the frustrating hearing essentially ended at that point. Based on how the Democrats managed the hearings, Gore’s warning that we have about 10 years to address global warming before “it’s too late,” his call for an immediate freeze on greenhouse gas emissions and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announced desire to have legislation drawn up by July 4, you might think a global warming bill is imminent. But Inhofe intimated to a group of bloggers this week that Boxer doesn’t want legislation this year, preferring instead to have global warming as a campaign issue in 2008. Gore has repeatedly said — including at the hearings this week — that global warming is a “moral issue,” not a political one. If so, he apparently has yet to convince Boxer.
  9. At what point do you take over the reins from a fuckup? You don't think that time has come yet? Yea, lets Give it to Clinton and really F it up.
  10. "As night does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains unchanged. And it is in that twilight that we must be most aware of the change in the air, however slight; lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness" -William O. Douglas Good Quote and I agree, thats why we have Jury to decide his charges and a supreme court to uphold the law. They must have a reason for the charge and if its not right plenty of liberal judges to throw it out.
  11. True i hear you, but in a way he was terrorizing her. Somebody dropped my dogs head off in a box I'd think I was in a Mob movie. Scare crap out of me.
  12. Who cares what he charged with it obvious the guys a nut job. Cutting the head of the dog?? Man that fricking weird. Lucky for her he didn't cut her head off. Next time it will be. This guy needs help, bad.
  13. Democrats - Republicans are the same party. The rich. They give allusion of differences to keep the populace divided to keep there power and money flows. Same game that been going on for centuries. All our cronies are hand picked.
  14. Make sure you don't forget your passport.
  15. V7 That about sums you up, predictable ,despicable,unbearable.
  16. This coming from someone that has an avatar that is KISS. Not any more fucked up than the next guy. Woman are hot, that my down fall. Lucky I have a wife that all wild.
  17. Man in hot water over shampoo camera MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) -- A man landed in hot water after police say he hid a tiny camera in a shampoo bottle to watch two of his female roommates as they took showers. A male roommate, curious why the shampoo wasn't moved for some time, found wires protruding from the back of the bottle, then called police, authorities said. The camera recorded through a pinhole, and the images were sent to Steven Thibodeau's television, police said. Thibodeau, 25, had placed the camera to record the women showering and made video of one of them changing clothes, according to police. Thibodeau was arraigned Wednesday on 15 counts of voyeurism and one count of evidence tampering, which alleges he tried to delete some images. He was being held in jail on $250,000 bail. The defense attorney who attended his arraignment was out of the office Thursday and could not be reached for comment. Police said Thibodeau made a compilation video of one of the women, but they have no evidence he transferred the files to the Internet. It wasn't yet known how long the shampoo had been wired.
  18. Seahawks

    [TR] Tele

    I saw guy almost do the same thing up at Bachelor at the very top on the lip that stick out over slide for life on Teles. Guy was amazing. That takes some talent. Think he hiked to the top to do that from the top chair lift.
  19. Seahawks


    LOL I was thinking it was actual Kevbone himself switch hitting. Cindy has not said anything in weeks and now that K-bone diaapears she doesn't shut up.
  20. Seahawks


    I'm out too. Well until lunch is over. To many knobs that need twisting.
  21. Seahawks


    So true its funny.
  22. Seahawks


    Thats a good way around some tax. I do the 401k at work becuase the company matches. Free money. Roth's are little better becuase you can take them out later tax free. Not only is Seahawks a climbing dumbshit, he's a financial dumbshit as well. Well Minx sounds like my total mistake, some people in March or April will take out lump sum mutual funds to save on the previous year taxes. But hell I don't know what I'm talking about. I only did taxes for years back in the 90's Me an Arch were talking about different things.
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