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Everything posted by shortstow

  1. hood has them at t line now and then
  2. I have left gear at both camps and have never had a problem with it not being there when I get back.
  3. well let me be the first to give you congrats
  4. I might have to go up and enjoy the breeze, maybe in fly a kite?
  5. I know for Rainier June/July should be about perfect and the trail should be established above Muir. As for the GT I am not sure.
  6. there are always the CH-47's from Ft Lewis that do the rescues on Rainier. But it is still no goal to get them called in
  7. I have to do a shift at work tomorrow morning, but should be free to head that way in the afternoon(2'ish). Maybe St. Helens, get to the tree line tomorrow and then up and out on Sunday?
  8. anybody been up on Adams? Curious how the route is up and how far you can get up the road.
  9. Thats what I was looking at. Think i am going to sit tight and check the winds around 12 or 1 and see whats up
  10. anybody going up tonight or tomorrow morning?
  11. I knew I should have gone! Thats what I get for not testing the snow myself I guess. Hopefully it stays good till Sunday/Monday for my new window of time off.
  12. now it is time to see if the snow-machines will follow the rules
  13. guess that answers my question on the other page
  14. so did anyone go up today Dec 6th? it was pretty nice
  15. you are welcome, thought but didnt....dam! glad someone got out there and did it, any pics?
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