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Everything posted by pink

  1. Speed rock climbing on trade routes doesn't involve nearly as much rick as doing so in the mountains, especially on mixed climbs. I'll be forever in awe of people doing hard solo enchainments; however, climbing El Cap in 5 hours versus 2:38:15 (or whatever)? meh, it seems meaningless to me in terms of what is required to break new grounds, which doesn't mean that Florine or whoever aren't excellent and graceful climbers. it's the 4 minute mile of climbing with RISK involved. if i climbed the nose in 6 days i'd and told the world of my accomplishment i'd hate to hear ur feedback on my adventure. i doubt ur that good of a climber to even have an opinion. UR A SNOBBY fratboy yes, bragging about your speed ascents of aid routes doesn't give you much credibility in this department. Ragging on everyone around makes you look like a total wank douche nozzle, with (most likely) fitness level of a greyhound bus driver. i was only ragging on and ur bubby j_b, that leaves a lot of people out, and didn't you start listing ur fast times that really aren't that fast or technical to begin with in the first place. i'm not even gonna comment on the fitness thing, you're a breath of fresh air mister.
  2. :brew: i'm drunk
  3. Speed rock climbing on trade routes doesn't involve nearly as much rick as doing so in the mountains, especially on mixed climbs. I'll be forever in awe of people doing hard solo enchainments; however, climbing El Cap in 5 hours versus 2:38:15 (or whatever)? meh, it seems meaningless to me in terms of what is required to break new grounds, which doesn't mean that Florine or whoever aren't excellent and graceful climbers. it's the 4 minute mile of climbing with RISK involved. if i climbed the nose in 6 days i'd and told the world of my accomplishment i'd hate to hear ur feedback on my adventure. i doubt ur that good of a climber to even have an opinion. UR A SNOBBY fratboy
  4. pink

    Hey Peter...

    um the cards are legit, but if you wanna cheer for GWB's team then it just proves that ur a toe tapping nut lover go mariners!
  5. Dude, you are quite wrong and never watched it go down if you say that. i'm pretty sure yuri would rather have hans following him than u mister love ya man, hope you had a sweet climbing year tyler.
  6. oh yeah! resolution arete in 9 hours car to car and epinephrine in 6.5 hours car to car. i can't even remember the shit i used to climb fast, fast is the best and u know it oh yeah! i soloed saint vitus' dance in the 10-15 minute range from top to bottom not even trying to climb fast. i'm sure you could go on and on and as well. stop being such a DICK and this is coming from a dick, an american dick, not a euro dick
  7. that's a good point bob climbers are more athletic these days. climbers have put down the pipe and bottle, the stopwatch has pushed climbing to the next level weather it be first ascents or classic repeats. good post bob, ur contributions and rad music has honestly taken cc.com to a whole new level, like a track and field event. way to pass the baton mister . T-A=0. The Nose in 19 hours, Grand Wall (Apron Strings start) in 2 hours 35 minutes. Care to share your experience in fast climbing with wider audience, or are you just another couch "expert"? OMG i just read ur speed climbing accomplishments again, i'm thinking we are both pretty fucking slow climbers. i'd have a beer with you any day mister. congrats on ur sub day accent if the nose. but seriously stop being such a snob.
  8. that's a good point bob climbers are more athletic these days. climbers have put down the pipe and bottle, the stopwatch has pushed climbing to the next level weather it be first ascents or classic repeats. good post bob, ur contributions and rad music has honestly taken cc.com to a whole new level, like a track and field event. way to pass the baton mister . T-A=0. The Nose in 19 hours, Grand Wall (Apron Strings start) in 2 hours 35 minutes. Care to share your experience in fast climbing with wider audience, or are you just another couch "expert"? aurora in 48 hours in october, the zodiac in 24 hours in december , half of with a broken finger. ur a liberal snob too bob, i have other goals than climbing these days but it cracks me up that u take the time to bag on people that are obviously superior to you in the climbing spectrum. my speed climbing accompishments are pretty much ghey and i'm embarrassed that i even posted them but ur are pretty fucking ghey too. in a nutshell u r a silly little euro. my advice to you is get a job and pay ur bills and stop thinkin ur making some chick wet cause you climbed the grand wall in sub 3 hours. it's just not that impressive from i climbers point of view. i will give you props all day long for your accomplishments but when you start taking away from others accomplishments just makes you sound like a DICK. i really don't climb much any more and seriously it's cause of DORKS like yourself. you can have it all dude, let me know when u don't climb anymore and i will consider returning to the big walls SANS ur ghey ass tinty metal
  9. pink

    Hey Peter...

    go cards
  10. Taking huge unnecessary risk isn't part of my philosophy of climbing. On the contrary, minimizing risk according to the demands placed by the objective seems like an important part of what we do. It doesn't mean that I don't believe speed climbing isn't climbing (quit trying to put words in my mouth) or that fast alpine ascents don't push the frontiers of climbing. It's just that taking huge risk while running up a 70 year old route doesn't strike me as particularly good style. i can't think of anything more unnecessary than climbing itself... and you could only dream that i'd put something in ur mouth. you are a big snob dude, and an unhappy one at that
  11. i would think speed climbing would be good practice to further your climbing skills which in turn would further ones style, furthering ur abilities to climb higher ratings while covering new ground drowning in a yummy candy coating Pulling on plastic with mtn boots and a 40 lbs pack is also good practice for climbing yet we still have to read about someone putting out a press communique suggesting the boundaries of climbing have been pushed in the process or that it is a new game that climbers play. You can substitute my example with running up Mt Si if you wish. btw No sugar coating is needed but don't confuse speaking bluntly with writing disparaging comments that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. speed climbers are taking huge risk, climbing at a gym with a 40 pound pack is not taking a risk, ur just getting physical training, not mental training. climbing is climbing, ur just a snob.
  12. http://www.camp4.com/news/index.php?newsid=273
  13. that's a good point bob climbers are more athletic these days. climbers have put down the pipe and bottle, the stopwatch has pushed climbing to the next level weather it be first ascents or classic repeats. good post bob, ur contributions and rad music has honestly taken cc.com to a whole new level, like a track and field event. way to pass the baton mister .
  14. Doesn't he have a point as far as speed climbing not doing much to further climbing? New ground? Higher rating? Better style? i would think speed climbing would be good practice to further your climbing skills which in turn would further ones style, furthering ur abilities to climb higher ratings while covering new ground drowning in a yummy candy coating
  15. pink

    More lies.

    well then the longest sentence must be " i do"
  16. is that skin on the toe of that boot?
  17. pink


    Wrong http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/gnrl/txbl/xmptgds-eng.html You don't pay GST on medical services only because the government is paying for these so ultimately it would be taxing itself. Actually, he's right, and you're wrong. Under the GST or HST, taxes aren't collected on sales of basic groceries. You linked the list of "exempt" items, but groceries aren't exempt, they're "zero-rated" meaning they're taxed, but at a rate of - wait for it - 0% You should have looked here: Zero-rated (0%) goods and services g-spotter- u just got served
  18. best all around shoe ever
  19. I had to drive a total of 100 miles one-way looking for condoms when I was there in 2007. Oh, and correction - you can find similar weirdness like that in Utah as well. Looks like a fun trip, btw! those pics brought back memories of the best roadtrip of my life... thanks! so tempting
  20. nice mark! glad ur still getting out mister
  21. it is a women's shoe though, can't win em' all
  22. pink


    sam is the the second most smarterestest person this board
  23. pink


    i think ur the smartest person on this board
  24. pink

    Republican debates

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