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Everything posted by pink

  1. Bad arguements Minx, as was your last post. Just because somebody plunked in an anchor somewhere, dosen't mean that the next person now must forwver suffer it being there because some dick head wanted to put in in and it's in now so everyone MUST now leave it there. Pffsssst. As far as you being a weak climber and needing a short anchor. Well, that arguement is weak as well, why not just stay in the gym instead of lowering the climbs to your level? Frankly, Dcramer has an arguement for leaving it there that is hard to argue against, ie, 1) it's pretty much always been there and 2) it's a damn good place, being a no hands nice little stance right there. lets see here bill, DC says that since it's pretty much always been there leave it--funny, i think i made the same point. i guess i just don't see the difference. i thought i was pretty clear. it's already there. leave it alone. no point in undoing it--there'll still be a scar. i don't approve bolting cracks. i don't see why you have a problem with my saying it but it's OK if someone else says it. why am i obligated to become a 5.10+ climber? i am perfectly happy climbing 5.10- with the amount of time i have to climb. climbin a few grades lower than you doesn't make my opinion less valid. i can't help but think that you're a total dickhead who just doesn't like me. minx, stop acting like a chick before you give couchmaster a complex. just becauce bill disagree's with you, doesn't mean he dislikes you. he is a dude, and dudes don't operate like that. go back to your cubicle and log bac on when your cycle is over.
  2. i thought you were going to call it scrodo baggins.
  3. death climb! don't go.
  4. pink

    Music and politics

  5. white castle... mostly black.
  6. because it's so fun to watch poeple climb, that's like getting paid to drink beer. to good to be true. dream on wayne. what is $? how much $? buy a house? support a family? best to keep climbing sacred.
  7. does it matter what route it's on?
  8. give me my hat back!
  9. TRAD?
  10. "the dennis miller shoe"
  11. this little piggy!
  12. routes for sale?
  13. the great yellow orb.
  14. pink


    morse code
  16. pink


    zee plane, zee plane
  17. pink

    Photo Caption?

    weapons of mass destruction
  18. pink

    Photo Caption?

    Beacon Rock Update
  19. i think we should let all the sportos bolt everything willy nilly. let's just grid bolt everything. sportclimber's are a user group to. who are we to say they can't. it's all about getting yours before someone else gets it right. climbing should be really safe. right.
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