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Everything posted by pink

  1. yeah i guess WA. doesn't have enough 14'ers for a whole team
  2. i think Mount Sherman would be much more fitting
  3. Today, Captain Howdy told me the Broncos are going to win 23-14
  4. i'd say ur more of a Nero i just can't picture you with a ball gag while wearing a strap-on baa
  5. I'm hopeful of a Denver win, i wanna see Peyton F&%@ing Manning go on and on how he is the best Quarterback in the league
  6. I got to lead the third pitch on Arent and I's ascent of the boltless warrior. It was very heady.....basically soloing. Better sack up are sacks even necessary on a 5.8
  7. can't knock a good ole "hand job"
  8. pink

    Liberal Media

    Best answer what though is your definition of "news?" in theory, every jackass w/ a twitter account or a smartphone or access to teh intrewebs can provide you with news, and thus put whatever cooties said person contains into said news... [video:youtube]
  9. Warning… Kevbone had climbed YW at least 100 times before his boltless assent. But it's boltless! Not to mention, having Arnt as a partner is AID!!! …and once you have climbed it SANS bolts and pins…i highly recommend climbing it SANS harness and tied in around the your neck with a noose It's a little heady at times but totally doable. Thewper FUN
  10. this same thread was posted on supertopo! boooooring
  11. SUCK IT!!!!! ya fucking tool bag
  12. half man/half bear/half pig
  13. skip to 3:49….. [video:youtube]
  14. Warning… Kevbone had climbed YW at least 100 times before his boltless assent.
  15. But, you gotta be the douche who points it out. As long as he's not collecting unemployment and food stamps to feed his climbing addiction, who gives a crap
  16. i thought libtards were supposed to be all warm and fuzzy [video:youtube]
  17. Dru is right, this guy is soooo TRAD!
  18. pink

    UFO sighting's

    THe MotHerShiP!
  19. [video:youtube]
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