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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. If I was from Enumclaw, I'd be able to spell it.
  2. They're essential for baptizing my victims.
  3. what catches tvashie's eye I'm sensing a little fixation, here. Just go with it, Krakatoa. Let it out. Or should I say, take it in? (I'll autograph that photo for you if you want. You little groupie, you)
  4. As only you and that great big kielbasa of yours would know, lover.
  5. For some, a triggering mechanism for horse cock fantasies. For others, just some German guys lounging in a pool of beer.
  6. Oh, CocoKrispies, you're just mad cuz I've still got your lunch money. Technical question: Is the tub warm or cold? Seems like reality would not live up to expectation either way.
  7. Of course genuine neutronium would collapse into a perfect sphere...but then less than 2 solar masses wouldn't be enough to overcome fermionic repulsion- the thing would explode. Not if enough flash baked butter is involved. The turning point of that episode was when Kirk realized that the rest of Courtney Love was still lurking around somewhere in the galaxy.
  8. Been done. It's called warfare.
  9. ...und zee ratio of liberals to our kind would have to be, I zink, 100 to 1...
  10. I think they used a magnified Bugle corn snack for that prop...
  11. We shall fight them in Australian bars, we shall fight them on the set of Jackass III, we shall never surrender...
  12. Butt Church
  13. In what way does the $7-9 billion an month we're blowing on Iraq constitute crisis spending? A crisis of our own making, perhaps.
  14. 'Freedom fighters' is a make believe term useful only for stump speeches. Anti-American factions in Iraq are insurgents. As the situation in Iraq continues to worsen, Americans might ask themselves whether we can and should continue to try to move that country towards a stable democracy. If the initial invasion was a mistake, why do we think we can somehow fix a strategy that was fundamentally flawed from the beginning (the very same dilemna we faced during the Vietnam war)? Will any amount of additional American resources turn Iraq around, or does our presence antagonize the situation further? Does our continued presence prolong the agony and postpone eventual stabilization, even if it means a period of civil war between now and then? Here are what I see as the basic facts of Iraq. What we are doing is not working, and the situation is worsening. Calling for more troops is moot; we don't, and won't, have them. One way out of this mess would be to support an independent Kurdistan with a continued American presence there. This was guarantee the stability of the only American-friendly part of Iraq, serve as a jumping off point for anti-terrorist action in the region, and concentrate our forces for a more credible threat against Iran should they really start to misbehave (while at the same time extending an olive branch towards that country). As for the rest of Iraq: scheduled withdrawal. Give the country a specific timetable to get its shit together. Or get its civil war over with faster. Either way, we fucked up, but we're not helping matters anymore. Sorry.
  15. At this point I'd settle for leadership capable of thinking up at least one unintended consequence.
  16. ...and that's just my immediate family. A vote is a vote.
  17. But one man's freedom fighter can become the same man's terrorist...the Afghan freedom fighters, for example, that later morphed into Al Qaeda using the skills that we taught them. We should be very careful what we teach rough characters to do in this world. They don't always stay on your side.
  18. Signed up for the Institute for Creation Reasearch's newsletter yet? http://www.iraqbodycount.org/press/pr14.php "Iraq Body Count Press Release 16 October 2006 Reality checks: some responses to the latest Lancet estimates." Why don't we just all agree that its a big ole boatload of dead people. The point made still stands.
  19. You certainly spend enough time on this shithole forum. Is it a self esteem issue? Do you need a hug?
  20. I suppose our peers will decide that...or not. They probably, as I said, don't give a shit. BTW, you just earned yourself another ignore button. I thought I'd give your cracker-ass another chance, but your personality disorder gets the best of you every time. See ya.
  21. Maybe, but JayB's rebuttal would at least be entertaining.
  22. Clinton admitted that he fucked up not intervening in Rwanda. He didn't cause it. We caused Iraq. End of story. As for the navy thing, no one on this thread gives a shit. Do your own fucking research. I already lived it. Clear enough?
  23. I'm not sure you 'wallow' in a sea of misguided anger. You wallow in a quagmire. I prefer to think that I have gin and tonics on the fantail in a sea of misguided anger. Speaking of quagmires; 600,000 dead Iraqis and yanks since the invasion and counting. Now, I'm not going to label it genocide. Let's call it hey-sorry-about-that-ocide. Whatever you like. The dead aren't voting. The Dems got us into Vietnam. Fair enough. This one's on the GOP's tab. Voting the buffoons out is step one of many to get us out of this hole.
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