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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. These folks are in a war zone. I don't think cc.com threads are the first thing they think about when they get up in the morning.
  2. I love America. Bread's OK, too.
  3. Mistakes were made
  4. That's 'tard', you retard. I was good at swooning, too, but then the Holy Spirit would always light my tongue on fire. Prick.
  5. AP Crucifixion sucked.
  6. We all went to the same high school
  7. Yes, but you'll need a really long beer glass.
  8. Oh god, not this again. Can't we go back to talking about man on dead-pig-on- the-side-of-the-road sex?
  9. Art thouest talking to me?
  10. No, I want them to legalize dog on Rick Santorum sex.
  11. Marriage should be between one man and one dead pig on the side... Ah, fuck it. Let the goddamn gays marry.
  12. I thought the left drove Subarus...
  13. Perhaps he was just testing the Volvo's superior safety features.
  14. Marriage should be between one man and one dead puppy's turd.
  15. It takes a village.
  16. I must take this from an empty headed animal food trough wiper? You may keep the puppy.
  17. Wouldn't surgeons first have to remove his Cheney?
  18. No, that's ole anglsh "Nauh, idnit funny..."
  19. NYT editorial
  20. Aw, are we embarrassed and hurt because the other kids don't want to play with us? Here you go:
  21. It's old english...
  22. Anybody can give a blowjob while drunk. Mind you it wasn't the best blowjob I've ever had... I've always wanted to drive a testosterossa.
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