But, but...I didn't KNOW that my wife worked on the NOVA program....
You gotta love the Blackwater affair. I haven't seen a pack of blowhards unsuccessfully attempt to foist more pure bullshit on the public since Ollie North.
“PBS and NOVA’s program on the Dover intelligent design trial is plainly biased in its portrayal of intelligent design and obviously outside journalistic standards of fairness and accuracy,” says Discovery Institute senior fellow John West. “The producer admitted they tackled this story because if the Dover trial ruling had been different it would have had ‘dire consequences for science education in this country,’ so clearly they were never approaching this in anything resembling a fair manner.”
The "Discovery Institute" (the ID pushers) is based in...you guessed it: Seattle! Their preemptive press release in advance of the airing was a real gem. I'll see if I can find the key passage.
I used to work with highschool youth ~ 4 hours per week, but since the new baby (and my more than full-time employment), not too much right now.
Why do you ask?
So Eric, exactly how many hours per week should us liberals be volunteering again?