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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Finally saw the NOVA program on DVD. One of the best things I've seen on public TV. Really well done. Of course, it's also nice to see the ACLU royally kick some dumb fundamentalist ass, too. Talk about outgunning your opponent.
  2. Hmmm. No conventional gas cars rated above 40 mpg. My information was a couple of years old, but it looks as though things haven't changed much. Thanks OW.
  3. Note to Brian's wife: You probably deserve more than to have your husband fantasize on a web forum about having another guy's wife on the back of his motorcycle. My sympathies.
  4. Aggro Geriatric on Kismai Buttress?
  5. Not another Hummer thread....
  6. My 798cc gets 65mpg. What bike?
  7. RBW1966 just sold me his TDI Passat Wagon. It gets 45-47mpg without flinching, has a shitload more room, and flies up mountain passes like they aren't there. That's because it's a diesel. Apples and oranges with a gasoline engine as far as economy and emissions are concerned.
  8. King Kong. Just caught it on DVD. Sucked macaca balls. Some editing, ANY editing might have improved it. Cutting every scene would have been even better.
  9. I caught a couple of minutes of this show once, long enough to watch the guy bite into a freshly caught trout like a corn cob. I thought to myself, what is the fucking point here? Then I remembered that I was watching reality TV; the post-modern equivalent of packing material for the mind, so no point required. I fell asleep a couple of minutes later while he was trying to tackle a rabbit or some shit.
  10. I think a gun range for people from Sultan is fine as long as the Navy can open up a bombing range right at the town of Sultan centered on, say, those three traffic lights.
  11. Ya know, if this FSM thing continues, in three hundred years or so some council of bishops will be deciding a millenium's worth of FSM church doctrine for most of the world.
  12. Hey, I'm on my way to the Caribbean. What do I care?
  13. Dude Looks Like a Lady on Nipple Arete
  14. I propose opposing posers.
  15. I don't give a rat's ass who makes what, as long as they emit shitloads of greenhouse gases when flying me to the Caribbean.
  16. This explains so much. Watch it, preemie.
  17. OMG...you're making me... ...*sniff*... ... STFU, Shitfeather.
  18. Why don't they shoot out those three stop lights in Sultan for us, too? WTF!
  19. Why didn't you ask them?
  20. Bring back the DC3!
  21. Maybe not in your planet's time zone. Meanwhile, back on Earth.... PS you might want to slow down on the intake.
  22. It would be really cool if Smart Cars were faster, cheaper, and got 100 mpg, and gave you a blow job while stuck in traffic. I guess Daimler's designers were just too stupid to think of making them that way.
  23. What if you actually posted something that made any sense? 40 - 45 mpg is about average for any mid sized (750 - 900cc) motorcycle.
  24. I was just thinking today about when I first moved to this area from California. I flew into Sea-Tac to visit the UW where I had been admitted to the CSE department as a grad student. Waiting for my SuperShuttle, I was struck by the number of SUVs that drove by, and kept thinking WTF? Why does everyone drive these friggin' trucks. Back in Cali there were far more sedans and smaller cars both in the Bay Area and San Diego. Of course this was back in 1992, and things have probably changed down there (for the worse), but definitely it struck me as different about Seattle. When I visit my family in California (OMG - I FLY there, too!) I get the same impression. Washingtonians seem to have the need to drag a shitload of pig iron around with them.
  25. See above. 1995 Toyota Tercel. 5.9gal - 244miles. Rechecked about 30 times in past 3 1/2 years. I'm glad you're here to tell me what I think I know. Par for the course. Well, as they say, your mileage may vary. I wouldn't claim that 1995 Tercels in general get that kind of mileage, however. Perhaps your commute is downhill and downwind both directions.
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