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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Goddamnit, Fairweather, you had no right to post that photo of us.
  2. I've got fresh photos up on Flickr.
  3. At least he can ski. And climb.
  4. Florida needs Pepsi distributors. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
  5. Stalking stuffer.
  6. The War on Drugs! How could I have forgotten to mention it? Oh, wait, that was Nixon, but Reagan really took the ball and ran with it! The Great Communicator didn't have enough time to win it, but he would have, had he had more time. Sippin' on a Rainier pounder, watching the Iran Contra hearings. Ollie North, standin' up for what he believed in, standin' up for America! Good times. Good times. It's taken a long, long time for this country to appreciate just how awesome Reagan was. The man was a GIANT. Even when his approval rating was somewhere between "in the toilet" and "in the holding pond", I always knew that somehow, someday, history would see him for the truly great man he was. Who could have predicted that a cocky little kid named George W. would come along and make it happen!
  7. But, but, Reagan won the Cold War single handedly. Don't you remember how he forced the Soviets into spending themselves to death, like Japanese fighting fish when you dump the whole container of fish food in the tank and they can't stop eating until they explode? Or something like that. I dont' exactly remember how, but I know he definitely won the Cold War. It's common knowledge.
  8. You know, I don't know where this anti-Mexican sentiment comes from. What did they ever do to us except cook up some really good grub and build everything around us? Besides, Texas is a known quantity every election. They know they're a bowl full of assholes, we know they're a bowl full of assholes. It doesn't feel the need to draw attention to itself like "undecided" Florida, which, at election time, is like watching an utterly confused tourist amble back and forth in the crosswalk while you wait through light change after light change. Eventually, you wish that semi idling next to you would just throw 'er into first and roll over the fucker with all 9 wheels, hit the compression brakes for some decent smear effect, slam it into into reverse, and repeat. And Texas redeems itself somewhat with Austin. But Florida? What's worth saving...Orlando?
  9. tvashtarkatena


    Can you post that picture of me on the summit of Storm King for the 16th time for me? It just gets funnier with every repetition. Oh wait, I forgot. You've got me on ignore. Sorry, I think you mean Fairweather... They're apparently interchangeable. Although not the originator (actually, FW, in his signature stalking style, took the trouble to sort through quite a few of my Flickr photos to find it), I believe KKK has posted it more times. Hard to keep track, though, after so much repetition. In their world, repetition (WMD, WMD, WMD....) is mother's milk. Oh well, humor (unless limited to the stale variety) isn't exactly their strong point.
  10. Oh dear, gentle reader, what harsh talk you bring into the Cafe! Perhaps you could avail yourself of the services of a reputable driving school and listen intently during each session.
  11. "In 1990, a stronger Washington State crosswalk law changed motorists' obligation to pedestrians who are attempting to cross at legal crosswalk sites. Previously, the law required motorists to yield to pedestrians. The new law requires motorists to stop for pedestrians attempting to cross at a crosswalk. " so if you see a ped at a cross walk and don't stop you are not only an asshole but breaking the law. If, however, the ped is a murdering scum terrorist, you may torture them while stopped.
  12. So do I. But every third time or so, I punch it and run them over.
  13. Election time is coming up, and many folks are looking for ways to channel the hate. This election, why not hate a whole state? The funny thing is how quickly most folks come up with the same candidate. This drooping dick of mud and palmetto bugs never fails to become a bougainvellia festooned dildo up our collective political asses every four years. It is a land whose population has gone from this: to this: Look at the perpetually undecided mug on that cranky old bat. It should be on the state seal. It’s a look that says “My house is somewhere in Mississippi because my Fat Fuck Cuban contractor built it 2 inches above sea level on a lot that has seen more hurricanes than Trader Vic’s, and I blame YOU.” So this year, let’s finally do something about Florida. Let’s sell it. Disneyworld. Fat Fuck Cuban contractors. Sinking doublewides. Hanging chads. The whole whiny fucking mess. On Craigslist. For cheap. To anyone. Adios, Pelos Azules. Via con fucking Dios.
  14. tvashtarkatena


  15. gas is taxing, no doubt.
  16. Just ordered a pair of Morrow liners for $30. Thanks for the tips. Hope they work out.
  17. 10.5 - 11 (or 43.5-44 Euro)
  18. tvashtarkatena


    We're not like you. Thank God. Perhaps you'd like to explain the personal appeal that vigilantism, open contempt for law, easy dismissal of civil rights, racist overtones, and general barbarism present in Dirty Harry holds for you. Please don't attribute such an appeal to the rest of us or the American people as a whole. Pretty simple. Small dicks like Big Guns.
  19. tvashtarkatena


    Can you post that picture of me on the summit of Storm King for the 16th time for me? It just gets funnier with every repetition. Oh wait, I forgot. You've got me on ignore.
  20. tvashtarkatena


    BLAH, BL-BLAH, BL-BLAH (rewind) BLAH BLAH, BL-BLAH! No, we want detainees to be treated according to our own laws. Or do you not believe in the rule of law? Direct question, you can answer that one simply, can't you? Given that 400 out of 800 Guantanamo detainees were released after years of torture without be charged for any crime, I would also doubt your characterization of that population as being "murdering scum". Of those 800 original detainees, only 10, count them, 10, have been charged with any crime. Um...if we "know" they're "murdering scum", why aren't we charging them? Because, perhaps, we have no evidence against them? If not, then, how do we know they're "murdering scum". The purpose of the rule of law is to determine whether or not they are, in fact, "murdering scum". Given our less than 50% error rate at Guantanamo, I would say a little due process, which after all, is a basic human right (not just one reserved for US citizens) is long overdue.
  21. tvashtarkatena


    We're not like you. Thank God. I think you speak from a very lonely podium, here. Perhaps you can open up a 70's theme park, you know, so patrons can return to the America's Golden Age; disco, Dusters, and Dirty Harry, if only for an afternoon.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Maybe 70's fashions AND B movie vigilante justice will come back! Mod Squad!
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Assassination by airstrike does fall under a different area of international law. It is clearly illegal to target civilians. This is the main area of contention between proponents and opponents of this 'problem solving' technique. Targeting the enemy in wartime, of course, is legal. Now, whether or not we're actually fighting a legitimate war is a whole other argument.
  24. tvashtarkatena


    This is a completely mythical (but oft quoted) scenario. If, however, you had a suspect in custody who had a high likelihood of having valuable information, offering witness protection has been, by far, the most effective means to get that information in a reliable form out of them. Most high level terrorists captured so far have been ego maniacs. They love to brag.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    Remember when Reagan bombed Qaddafi's home/complex whatever, and killed some of his wives/children. That shut the f***er up for a while, didn't it? Yes, and when Hitler invaded Poland, that shut those fuckers up, too. Good argument. The Reagan bombing really shut up Qaddafi's little girl. Very admirable.
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