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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Ready or not, sense, I shall go to the high country tomorrow to begin my telemeditation practice, far above the bodi tree, bathed in the divine sunlight where earth and sky kiss.
  2. Walking is for mortals, grass shopper.
  3. Nice punk thread, BTW. I didn't know shit about the genre, because I don't know shit about music, because I'm not very hip, because I'm not very cool. It was like getting an AA degree in the subject in like 15 minutes. I'm switching back to whitey tighties.
  4. The current GOP's motto: Fucking the many for the benefit of the few.
  5. I just did, but we had a post storm. In addition to the above, consider that agriculture that depends most on pollinators, such as orchards, enjoy the lower end of these profit margins. ok excellent, the source of the problem. When you say "farming is a low margin business", it is certainly accurate as a generalization ; i myself am not big on generalizations, so that is what i took exception to. if one lives one's life according to an understanding based on generalizations, one lives a life of mediocrity, imo, since generalizations are usually short on wisdom and high on conformity. Hey, and thanks for the life coaching, sense. I've always had a problem with conformity. no sweat dude, but you can just call me Guru (capitalize the G, please!). As far as the conformity problem: your unique physique certainly keeps you outside the lines of conformity to a certain degree, but the behavioral aspects could be teased away from the common stock just a bit. How to do this? It's a difficult dilemma, since any behaviours stimulated by a reaction to some unwanted thing have that unwanted thing contained within them. I would prescribe meditation next to bald-faced wasp nests. This spring would be when to start, and it's the best time since they are a bit friendlier then. Sense, you've strayed from the eight fold path of wasp knowledge. Bald faced hornets are very benign. You can garden very close to their nests without worry. I know this: I had a basketball sized nest only 10 feet from my raised beds several years ago. You will not find bald faced hornets in the high country. I have already enlightened you on the habits of forest yellow jackets, which become aggressive in late summer and fall, not spring, sense. Until you know the physical world, you cannot know the spiritual one.
  6. Stand aside. The girl at least deserves a little white tvash. Not very related note: I've unearthed two 'archeo-beers' in my backcountry career; both there so long that moss had almost completely overgrown them. I'm here to tell you than Guiness Stout has a longer shelf life than Hamm's.
  7. Now that is scary! The fact that we have our little "immigration problem" going on right now makes that a bigger threat. Not having enough pickers is currently a bigger crisis looming for us than not enough bees. If we run out of both, we're screwed. And you are going to see cherry prices going through the roof. Now if we could just import bees from Mexico... ...oh, wait.
  8. That scarf keeps me in touch with my feminine power. So much material, so little time. And please, call me Hugh.
  9. I just did, but we had a post storm. In addition to the above, consider that agriculture that depends most on pollinators, such as orchards, enjoy the lower end of these profit margins. ok excellent, the source of the problem. When you say "farming is a low margin business", it is certainly accurate as a generalization ; i myself am not big on generalizations, so that is what i took exception to. if one lives one's life according to an understanding based on generalizations, one lives a life of mediocrity, imo, since generalizations are usually short on wisdom and high on conformity. So, in other words, I won that round. Hey, and thanks for the life coaching, sense. I've always had a problem with conformity. Who would have thought that a jewel in the eye of the lotus would emerge from this cesspool, bathed in a piercing, crystalline light, to guide us to satori. OK, on to my next mediocre experience.
  10. This thread stinks. Gene, thanks for addressing a subject that's near and dear to all of our noses. I've had to strap my shoes to the roof rack many times. Foot odor trivia: The same brevibacteria that creates toe cheese is also responsible for giving the stinkier blue cheeses their 'nose'. Consider than next time when ordering a salad.
  11. Good thing the guard rail is still up.
  12. I just did, but we had a post storm. In addition to the above, consider that agriculture that depends most on pollinators, such as orchards, enjoy the lower end of these profit margins.
  13. "Concerning since I have two hives but they seem to be doing well and swarmed twice last summer for lack of creating room." - Seahawks Two convincing arguments, same logic. The profit margin for the average farm, across all 2.1 million farms in the U.S. was -0.9% in 2003: The USDA Report
  14. How's the average annual temperature at your place, Seahawks? I need to know so I can decide if global warming is bullshit.
  15. No one claimed that every single hive would die out, but in a low margin business like agriculture, a few percent die off could spell the difference between economic viability and loss. I'm doing the super mini version of attracting other types of pollinators for my garden, since we've lost our local honeybee nests due to urban deforestation and the building craze. It's an interesting ongoing experiment.
  16. Actually, the die off of European honey bees is a huge problem for commercial agriculture. It's not 'just a honey' problem. No other species comes even close to pollinating many commercial crops as effectively as the European honey bee. Other species might fill that nitch, eventually...thousands of years from now. Evolution won't move that quickly to fill such a huge 'nitch' with such high productivity requirements.
  17. I'm loving this.
  18. In any case, zee scarf, she is only Vieille Marine, not Patagucci. She would not cover even one of your melon.
  19. You should sink about a diet pwogwam, mon viex. Too mush burr et fromage an soon you are climbeeng only on zee bolts, no?
  20. zere are vewy knowlezheebul Canadeeaaans on zees fowum who agree wis me.
  21. Fear not. Sexy has developed a method for domesticating yellow jackets involving a steaming cup of jasmine tea and a knowing glance.
  22. You know vewy well what happen eef you toash eet
  23. J'ai juste voulu fais tout le monde savoir que la substance de Patagucci est les ordures pures de mode. J'ai cinquante de leurs vĂȘtements et ils sont toute la merde. N'importe qui qui porte la substance est une colle.
  24. I just wanted let everybody know that Patagucci stuff is pure fashion garbage. I have fifty of their garments and they're all crap. Anyone who wears the stuff is a poser.
  25. Droppin', bitches!
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