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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. "Cu...Cn...Fn Cnt!!!"
  2. McCain's doing the only honorable thing; falling on his sword. Farewell, Old Warrior... ...you fuckin' shitstain.
  3. Bill's voting for Obama? Shit, now I gotta stop fucking with 'im. Welcome to the movement.
  4. Hey, wanna know something inneresting? 40% of Americans are either under 18 or over 65 years of age. Amazing coincidence! Mixing statistics ('working households' and 'Americans'): political rhetorical trick number 1. There's also a reason Americans making under 45K don't pay much in taxes; you can barely survive on that amount. Fairness does not mean everyone pays the same % of America's tax burden, or gets the appropriate amount back in govt services; fairness means that this country provides an opportunity for people to avoid and/or lift themselves from poverty towards a secure future. That's what makes a healthy, just society. Last time a drove through Medina, it didn't seem like the rich needed a whole lot of help, unless it was for mowing their acre sized lawns or parking their fleet of cars. Oh, and BTW, the 'welfare queen' myth was invented during the Reagan era. She doesn't exist in any numbers. It was dispelled a long, long time ago. In addition, as 'welfare' constitutes about 1% of the federal budget, it's really not much of an issue. Eliminating Scott and his fellow soldiers' jobs; at 60% of the budget, would probably be a better place to start.
  5. Syria can suck it.
  6. Let's see... Troopergate? Shoppinggate? Ted Stevens? Palin's a small town girl lost in the Big Bad City. I can't wait for Monday.
  7. THe GOP always tries to suppress the vote, because Dems have always outnumbered them. Pretty simple numbers game. It's a control thing. So the health of our democratic process has to suffer? The GOP couldn't give less of a shit about such high falutin' abstractions. The democrats rally around a core set of values. In contrast, the GOP is a poorly woven, thread bare quilt of dissimilar island constituencies who, for the most part, don't give a shit about anyone outside their tribe and therefore don't give a shit about each other. The GOP has played bait and switch with these poor dumbshits to win elections. "Sure, we'll get right on that marriage amendment." "Oh, don't worry, we'll make you all rich." "Yeah, we'll keep spending AND your taxes low" It seems as though a thin but critical margin of these idiots has finally figured out the game.
  8. Why don't one of you idiots pull up a pie chart of where the federal budget goes so you can speak intelligently on this topic? Welfare is a non-issue. It's all about guns.
  9. I couldn't agree more. The military lifted my father out of abject poverty and into the middle class, then payed for college and grad school after he retired. That, in turn, made it possible for us kids to go to college and live somewhere other than a slum. As socialist as you can get; and a lifesaver for follow on generations. The GOP's concentration of wealth policies have reversed this trend in our country. I will never, ever forgive them for it. They disgust me.
  10. The most favorable poll towards McCain puts him 7 points behind. The least puts him 12 points down; close to the 15 points Rush says Obama needs to jump the double plus secret race hurdle; you know, those closet racists who "say" they're going to vote for him but won't because he's black. We've almost got this election in the bag. 3 more points to go!
  11. Look at the proportion of taxes in this country paid by the highest 2% richest people in this country. And to further increase that proportion? I don't make that much but I believe that the drive to make yourself better and to better your situation is what runs this country (or did in the past) to take that away can only derail our progress as a nation and the foundation that made us the Superpower that we are/were. We won't be a SUPERPOWER anymore? OH NO! I think we became a SUPERPOWER! by surviving WWII: the luck of geography, a very progressive tax policy, and a strong middle/working class made that possible, not a bunch of speculative Wall Street assholes. Asshole.
  12. Actually, punishes the rich less would be the more accurate description. Also, Obama would also give tax rebates to the poor that are not working; a better word for this: Welfare. So, now two forms of welfare with nice euphamistic names? What will my motivation to work hard and progress be if I know that I will not see another penny if I get a raise due to an increased tax bracket? Awwwwwwww. Your incentive to work is that you're already pulling down a quarter mil and you don't want to get fired, shit for brains. When you're making that much coin, and this is from personal experience, you don't give a fuck anymore. The problem isn't how to get your grubby little hands on even more money (unless you're mentally ill); the problem is what to do with the money you've got coming in. And paying taxes (unless you're mentally ill), is REALLY low down on your list of worries.
  13. Then it's like an Anti-Reagan revolution I suppose. BTW Trash, I've read all his positions. He's got great ideas coming out his ears, yet somehow we, the reader, are expected to suppose and believe that all the money will rain down like manna from heaven for all these goodies and abundance we will receive from the Gobment. At least Hillary was truthful and upfront in spelling out exactly where the money for the health care plan as to come from. Uhhh, sure, and I have a bridge I'll sell ya too. Hope and change, it's the new religion (ie, unfounded on fact belief system) for folks like yourself. I don't actually believe anyone's going to get a tax cut anytime soon. You want to sell me a bridge? Um, aren't YOU the guy that regularly quotes from the Drudge Report? I want to see the rich pay higher taxes, as they should, and that will happen under Obama.
  14. Oh, and let us all know why these tax rates are 'ridiculous'.
  15. One instance? Impossible. Progressive taxes are a good start. If there is no possibility of ascension, why work harder. In this way, a uni-class system in nearly inevitable; as much so as one started with a coup and enforced with guns. OMFG, the timing of this moronic post couldn't have been better. Um, we've ALWAYS had a proggressive federal income tax. Still waiting for that uni-class society to spring up.... Yes, but level encouraged by Obama is quite ridiculous. Prove it. What the income tax be for the following annual taxable incomes under Obama's plan: $50K $100K $250K $1 million $3million Go. Let's see that 'graduate student' brain at work.
  16. What's really funny is that Obama's plan increases taxes for folks making $250K and more and decreases taxes for those making less. McCain's tax plan (has anyone on this board actually looked at it? ) laughably gives tax cuts to EVERYONE, but heavily favors the rich. Woohoo! Free money!!!!!
  17. One instance? Impossible. Progressive taxes are a good start. If there is no possibility of ascension, why work harder. In this way, a uni-class system in nearly inevitable; as much so as one started with a coup and enforced with guns. OMFG, the timing of this moronic post couldn't have been better. Um, we've ALWAYS had a proggressive federal income tax. Still waiting for that uni-class society to spring up....
  18. It is when it is forced. Name one instance where a classless society worked and how that type of government could be implimented in the US. I will be awaiting your post. Putting the rich in a higher tax bracket is 'forcing' a classless society? That's funny; I thought we've had a progressive income tax system since the day it was started, but hey; I didn't study communism in Soviet block countries either. Why don't you try putting down your comic books and actually go to Obama's website so that you have a hope and a prayer of actually knowing what your tireless mouth is spewing on about...for once.
  19. Any system where everyone on my block doesn't own 2 cars and garage full of tools and crap they use once a year (maybe) is commie. If you can't afford to buy and maintain all that shit you never use, and buy a big ass house to store it in, which you then have to heat and paint and shit, then you're a commie pussy and you should just die.
  20. Actually, I don't know what Obama wants to do. I've never been to his website. But he's a commie, for sure, and that's all I need to know.
  21. I hear that Obama want's you to give $2 for every $1 you earn over anyone else's earnings. Or something like that. Anyway, he wants to take away your guns, so he's a commie.
  22. Ooooo. "Classless Society". That would be TERRIBLE!
  23. What I fear most is a nation full of compatriots as dumb as this poster. Thanks for the past 8 years fucko.
  24. You seem awfully young to have studied communism in Soviet block countries. I mean, that was damn near 20 years ago.
  25. Stern's great when he takes a break from his tired T&A routine.
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