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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Certainly not a critique, but it would seem that all Sarah Palin cares about is free clothing and catching up on her daytime TV from the comfort of her Walmart jammies (all true, apparently). I really don't think that makes for much of a political Joan of Arc. More like the Shopping Network meets Extremely Cheap Makeover.
  2. We saw them take off from a gentle hillside in Blue Lake Basin. It was more like base jogging.
  3. I wouldn't wipe my ass with a Democratic congressman...to cleanse myself of a Republican congressman even.
  4. Jesus, STFU, you drama queen real world violence...give me fuckin break, man.
  5. Mile 12. Shoot. Somebody's website's wrong. Damn.
  6. If you really give a damn about this issue, write your state legislators and urge them to strongly support marijuana reclassification. It didn't make it in this session, but this multiyear campaign has been steadily gaining support, especially more recently with budget problems and the general realization that the drug war is bunk: Linky
  7. It's spelled with an 'L'.
  8. or the prostitutes, meth dealers or young boys and girls, if recent American Christian behavior is any indication.
  9. And here all this time I've wondering where I put my lawn gnome...
  10. I saw one of those assclown 'marriage = man stick figure + woman stick figure' bumper stickers on an SUV yesterday. I really have to start carrying a baseball bat around.
  11. Promiscuity should be an affair between one man and one woman
  12. No need to save me any; feel free to employ yours elsewhere.
  13. The larches are peaking right now. Wonderful.
  14. The road's closed at the Eldorado parking lot, making it an available venue to enjoy a really good storm.
  15. It would seem that we all have our endearing little quirks, eh, Dru?
  16. tvashtarkatena

    Mo Money

    holy shit, the trail that leads to half dome in yos is perhaps the most incredible mind-bending example of waht a hell of a lot of folks w/ hammers and pick-axes can render out of stone - like walking in minas tirith i tell ye! WTF are you talking about? It's call dynomite, hombre. Lotsa fucking dynomite. naw, it's not just that its been blasted - each step hand hewn and hand placed for mile after mile - uber-kewl and far more worht the money than simply killing brown people Zion's got quite a bit of that Road Runner goodness, too.
  17. 'Smiffie'
  18. tvashtarkatena

    Mo Money

    Speaking of money, I'm taking a 2 lb loaf of french bread out of the oven right now...for about 75 cents investment. Fuck Yeah
  19. tvashtarkatena

    Mo Money

    holy shit, the trail that leads to half dome in yos is perhaps the most incredible mind-bending example of waht a hell of a lot of folks w/ hammers and pick-axes can render out of stone - like walking in minas tirith i tell ye! WTF are you talking about? It's call dynomite, hombre. Lotsa fucking dynomite.
  20. Zombies don't climb, and, from the data on this site, neither do conservitards.
  21. ivan is about as offensive as a human being can get. there's hope for you Sensitivity to offense is directly proportional to insecurity.
  22. I would like to photograph the confusion on his face when he encounters a lawn gnome which I carry specifically for that purpose 2 days from the car. With all that coin invested in those penis prosthetics, I doubt he's got the disposable for the chopper ride to get him there.
  23. That will mean Bill would have to drag is fat ass more than 100 feet from the car. Extremely unlikely.
  24. I don't respond to your posts but will make an exception this time. Just put the metal in your mouth and squeeze the trigger already, I'll loan give you the bullet. Pick one: Bill - sometimes you frighten me. Billcoe is about as intimidating as fresh, steaming pile from a flabby old dog. You just wipe him off your shoe, realizing the poor, dumb animal can't help it, and move on to more interesting things...which would be everything.
  25. Yeah, extortion sucks. As for the affairs, at least he's gettin' some, eh KKK?
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