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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Perhaps, although McNamara eventually realized his mistakes.
  2. Here's some clear points you might actually grasp, but probably not: Reveling in the watching of snuff flicks is the past time of a sick cunt. Enjoy. To dehumanize and oversimplify one's adversaries, particularly when they most likely will eventually prevail against our misguided efforts, is to be a dupe of the oldest and more overused state propaganda trick in the book. Of course, you're no stranger to being duped. Keep reaching for pat answers, like your dime store understanding of Islam, though. After all, that's what your people do.
  3. Arguing in the mirror again, Jay? Try with another human being sometime.
  4. That's one reason why these armchair warriors who are pushing this shit (on somebody else) make me fucking puke.
  5. Yes, I do agree with you 100% there, on all counts.
  6. Just for, you know, statistical accuracy, I'm gonna post a whole shitload of vids depicting EIDs killing our boyz. That should require about, what, 100 posts to get the ratio about right. Absolutely hilarious! Eh JayB?
  7. Jis like we did the Slopes!
  8. Yeah, I'm bustin' a gut over here. We're stompin' ole Haji the Goatherder, that's fo sho! Stoopit ragheads!
  9. The answer, if there is one, doesn't matter, because suicide bombers don't blow themselves up for back-of-the-matchbook rewards, virgins or otherwise. Detailed surveys of the writings and testimonials of real suicide bombers, both those who were caught before they went and those who actually carried out their missions, reveal somewhat less trite, propagandized (in the American conservative style...keep it simple!) reasons for taking their decision to attack the enemy in this manner. Primary reasons center around the desire to make their lives count by doing something effective (as suicide bombing certainly is) against an enemy with overwhelming conventional military superiority. Our side's the target, so we necessarily tend to de-humanize these people as buffoons, dupes, insane, pawns, even cowards (???), but the reality is quite different. We have failed to counter this hugely successful tactic in no small part because we refuse to face what really drives it. Suicide bombing may not be the most kosher or positive way to spend, or expend, in this case, one's life, but a fair number of Americans could stand to try to make a difference in there lives with even a fraction of the self sacrifice and heart these people demonstrate.
  10. Did they manage to catch the thing sporting the chartreuse wife beater T?
  11. It kind of depends on you budget, whether or not you want to climb at high altitude (with the extra acclimation time budgeted in), and what kind of cultural experience you're looking for. Bolivia's Cordillera Real (as well as Peru, but I haven't climbed there personally) is in good shape, route and weather wise, that time of year. Either the capital La Paz (Illimani, Hyana Potosi, Condoriri, Sorata, etc) or small hill town of Sorata (Illampu, Ancohoma, Pico Shutlz, etc) provide good bases of operations there. Otherwise, you really can't go too far wrong anywhere in the lower 48 or lower Canada. Sawtooths (ID), Cascades, Sierras, Wind Rivers, Bugaboos, Tetons, Canadian Rockies, Coast Range...it's a long list.
  12. According to one apostle (Matthew, was it?), all the dead became zombies that night. I believe!
  13. Did Jesus write his name as "Yeshua" in the roman alphabet? Just sayin'....
  14. My setup: 90cm snowblades with Stubai universal bindings. Very light and portable. Total cost: Snowblades $40 (slightly used) + Stubais bindings $65 (slightly used) + custom cut skins from a raw strip $40 + ski crampons $60 + heel lifters $20 + free crampon straps from the REI basement. Some things I've learned about them: They're wonderful for spring conditions where big flotation isn't an issue. Love these things. With skins, they climb as steeply as any other ski. Ski crampons only come so wide. If you want them as an option (obviously very useful), don't get too wide a ski. It's a flotation vs ability to crampon thing/wt thing. With skis this short, stability/flexibility of the binding doesn't matter all that much. These Stubais are about as noodly as it gets, but they still work fine, even in avi debris. Standard ski mountaineering bindings would be huge overkill and, as has been mentioned, pointlessly heavy. Snowblades are so thin that you must 'clamp' the bindings on the ski by countersinking through the ski base and using pancake nuts (available at ski shops), followed by a petex job. Even if the petex comes out of the countersink, you won't really feel the difference...these aren't exactly high performance skis anyway. You can try epoxied threaded inserts and to leave the bases intact if you wish...that system lasted exactly one run for me before the binding screw pulled out and I switched to the aforementioned system. I'm making my own custom universal bindings from some Rivas for a higher flotation, winter pair (the Stubais aren't exactly easy to get). We'll see how that works out.
  15. You can just feel the adventure.
  16. Come out of the Rectory, Ivan!
  17. Come out of the Chloset, Ivan!
  18. Oh, and I didn't watch the snuff flick, you fucked up cunts.
  19. Of course, none of you armchair douchebags knows what's really happening in that video.
  20. tvashtarkatena


    This guy is all over the tube. Freakin monster.
  21. Take any more of our shit away and just see what happens.
  22. Yeah, but you can fuck up her freebie wardrobe pretty good.
  23. Such a brood would have to be nuked from space.
  24. Sort of like a giant, whiskey swillin, tibacky smokin, Beowulf spoutin, fuck this, fuck that kind of Jesus. The kind of a Jesus a planet really fucking desperate for a savior might receive.
  25. Celebrities without talent tend to fade away quickly like morning dew. Or Mountain Dew, in Palin's case.
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