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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Who's "they", again? Certainly not fat fucks.
  2. Atheists
  3. And who gives a shit what Thomas Jefferson would have thought or done? He ain't on the payroll.
  4. Um, you can't tell whether that's a pine marten or Felix the Cat. That photo sucks.
  5. Health care is not fundamentally an argument about competitiveness. It is about our moral responsibility towards each other. Our 'competitiveness' will not inspire this nation to do the right thing. The moral argument will, or at least it should. Now, competitiveness may or may not be a result of reform, but such a statement is constitutes more pandering to the Far Right. Fuck em, they've been a train wreck for the past past 30 years, and hey, they lost. Given their shrill behavior of late, the Far Right, like any screaming street corner psychotic, simply needs to be walked on by and ignored if this country is to have a prayer of moving towards any semblance of a better future. THat is not to say bipartisanship is dead. Anyone involved in lobbying knows that nearly all successful bills must be cosponsored on both sides of the isle. It is to say that the freaks of the GOP, and there are many, need to be left gnashing their teeth in their philosophical trailer parks while the rest of us leave the dysfunction behind. Now the Right, you my have noticed, has gleefully stepped over a hundred good people in need of help to punish that one meth head who doesn't 'deserve' help. It has tortured 100 innocent people to get to that one B movie grade 'terrorist' (or driver, accountant, or other peripheral factotum, as it usually turns out). It has put a hundred 20 year old kids, an inordinate percentage of them black (surprise!) in prison for mandatory 10 years or more, to get to that one 'drug kingpin'. Essentially, it's a movement which worships cruelty, fueled by a simpleton's mythology that has gifted us with such exotic threats as 'super predators', 'welfare moms', or, for those who haven't the mental faculties to distinguish these nuanced personalities, the all encompassing 'evildoers'. It's a stone stupid movement that believes in the Big Machine; that a bigger hammer will crush any problem, as long as it's an American hammer (or at least wielded by an American...made in China is OK). We need to continue to politically marginalize the Far Right until they no longer participate in policy making in any practical way. In Darwinian terms, their traits no longer fit the climate. Of course, they never did: their dysfunctional behavior thrived only in times of gross excess, propelled by the pipedream of re-fighting and winning another Vietnam. Now back to my chocobacon. Mmmmmmmmm, that shit is GOOD.
  6. We need Clarence Thomas in on this.
  7. Doing the Puyallup will give FW a chance to hang out with politically like minded folks for a few hours. He can then return to Spray girded with the knowledge that he is not alone in the wilderness.
  8. The Fairness Doctrine should have covered it, but neither the Founding Fathers nor their amending successors could have imagined anything like Heart or Krispy Kreme Chicken Sandwiches.
  9. I'm shipping them to an interested Canadian gent if these don't go locally by Tue. I'd rather not go through the hassle, so I thought I'd give it one last shot: Eddie Bauer (Made by Karhu) Boreal 120 approach skis. $125 Get ready for winter approaches with a pair of these. 120 cm x 110mm, universal binding will take any boot, integral climbing skins. Way better than snow shoes. In great shape. Call 206.271.4153 if interested.
  10. NOTE: I'm not selling these. REI is. 1 pr 45 for $100, appeared to be used once 1 pr 48 for $43, more used Great boot, great deals Too big for me, though.
  11. If only you really believed that. Like most of us, however, you're a terrible liar. I'm off to pick up a hard to find Pasayten Wilderness Map so I can take my nephew out and torture him for a week. I love torture. Bye for now.
  12. No, I'm not talking about any of the above, nor is anyone else, except you, now. The right to health care can be implicitly enacted through legislation. Let's all focus, people. It's just not that hard.
  13. Um, last time I checked nations are allowed to extend the rights enumerated in their constitutions through a variety of means. And, what do you know? All of them already have regarding the right to health care except us. I think it's called something like progress. Except Zambia, Cameroon, Somalia, and a host of other 3rd world nations that we now emulate with our health care system, of course.
  14. Get real. We're the last civilized, and I use that term very loosely, nation on earth to allow health insurance companies to be for profit. It's a fundamental conflict of interest regarding a fundamental right to equal access to health care; something every other first world nation save our own decided was necessary years ago. In addition, America suffers from a two problems: Excessive litigation, (oh, we won't cover that), and a general and increasing syndrome of being pussies. "I'm hesitant to rock climb or (or other activity that actually makes life worth living) because some corporation will sanction me for doing so." Go to Australia, Europe, South Africa, or New Zealand and the difference in attitudes towards participating in activities that involve some risk is stark. We suck. The public option and eliminating for profit health insurance companies addresses both issues. Oh, and you suck corporate cock, too.
  15. You suck at jokes
  16. but not hunting, McDonalds hopping, drunk driving.... Fucking ridiculous. We need to eliminate private health insurance from this country. Are consumer protections so weak that the insured is required to inform their insurer when they take up a new sport to avoid denial of coverage? If not, just say no.
  17. Insurance companies lie as a matter of course about all kinds of things to their customers...promising to actually cover things they have absolutely not intention of coming through one comes to mind. The guys at Honest Abe Cameras are more up front. Return the favor. The fact that they even ask that kind of question should be a crime. Thanks to the uniquely American love of sucking corporate cock, supported by our now much cherished conservative movement, it is not.
  18. No public option!
  19. Plus, NPR sucks ballz
  20. can't turn radio dial too entertaining
  21. Close
  22. tvashtarkatena


    use bolts instead of nails
  23. Anybody know of a generic for Lagavulin?
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Send the dog home. You won't need him.
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