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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. It's the Exxon Valdez all over again. What, the president can't afford his own Alvin and ROV? Clearly the Feds should be...should be...anyone?...a little help here? What should they be doing again? Hey, I'm not one of the intellectual elite. I work from the gut. It must be something, though, cuz I'M SURE AS HELL PISSED OFF ABOUT IT!!!!!
  2. So there are some specific areas and decisions you can point to where the federal response hasn't met your expectations? Please lay some of those out for us. Obama's been training for diving bell duty as fast as his schedule allows. He'll be down there personally capping the spill any day now. Thank God, cuz BP's just been sitting around since the accident happened, waiting for the Boy God King Savior to arrive and make everything bad go away.
  3. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    Then again, there are innernutz who've developed the habit of pontificating about shit they know nothing about. Yeah, there's that.
  4. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    Chopper Jim knows more about the traffic jam than the poor schmoe who's stuck in it. Whatever you say, Chopper Jim. Tell us all about those Catholic farmers.
  5. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    From above? LOL.
  6. Hey TripleKunt, did you have a good ole American donut this morning, or some hippie commie shit for breakfast?
  7. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    I was raised Catholic, and I can say from much experience that they are VERY EASY to pigeonhole.
  8. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    Not necessarily. I'm just trying to show you that Catholics--like farmers--are difficult to pigeonhole. Your fire just seemed a bit misdirected. How would you know? You're neither.
  9. Um...was this posted because it's National Donut Day?
  11. Yes. When leftists talk about piling up and burning my fellow citizens, I tend to get upset. Your inability to differentiate between humor and reality seems to make for a lot of that in your case. What a waste of energy.
  12. Seems like you're the only one here slobbering over that kind of action, bucko...and you've been doing so for quite some time. You might review your history of the Civil War if that's really what you think you're lusting for. The rest of us will pass, thanks. Been there, done that. Don't need to do it a second time.
  13. If we do nuke the gay baby whales, I think we should surround ground zero with Trident subs and carrier battle groups at close range for a spectacular, Baker-test style decommissioning event. Gotta cut the budget somewhere....that would be an excellent place to start. They'd make nice artificial reefs to jump start the damaged echo system with.
  14. So, on several FB threads now, there are actually people arguing for nuking the gay baby whales for Jesus. "Hey, oil sticks around a lot longer than radioactivity. Look at Hiroshima: 40 years later (65 years, actually) and everyone's leading a normal life". Step 1: Try to put a cap on it Step 2: Try to put a fancier cap on it Step 3: Nuke it Don't get me wrong: I'd LOVE to see a nuke go off and all in person. It's like the ultimate trundle.
  15. No problems, Bill, but thanks anyway! I am still contemplating what's better though: to be hated by Pink or to be called a "troll/plonk" on RC when I asked a reasonable (I thought at the time) question about climbing overhangs. Um, yeah, you're the only head case here that ever pulled the gun card, Billcoocoo. Not that anyone...ever...takes you seriously.
  16. Just ran into a guy with an MSI netbook. Seemed like a nice little machine. He likes it.
  17. A partner of mine (a doc) began to experience some retinal hemorrhaging at altitude in Bolivia. Apparently, it can indicate the beginnings of cerebral edema, which can manifest itself pretty quickly. He was also experiencing some uncharacteristic fatigue. We went down the next day. It's a good thing to watch out for in your partners, particularly because it can be a fairly subtle condition at first, and one that's hard to notice (I didn't) behind a pair of shades.
  18. I know there's a joke in there somewhere involving hot air and farts... Jebus. Amazon shipped that beyotch like, 5 minutes after I ordered it.
  19. tvashtarkatena

    Fuck Jesus

    Happened in AZ. Coincidence? I think not.
  20. I ordered an MSI Wind yesterday, BTW.
  21. Proof positive that being liberal doesn't always get you more love.
  22. lick sack Yeah, don't make fun of other peoples names, TripleKunt.
  23. I just need something portable that will run a spreadsheet, a PPT, or a word doc, and allow me to spray 24/7 from anywhere on earth. Seems like netbooks do all that in a cheap, small format.
  24. Cameras and flash drives.
  25. I'm an Operating System Evangelist!
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