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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Assumptions. The basis of the dumbshitz world view. Brown and Murray were the only races I really cared about. We cockblocked you morons in the senate. Good luck passing anything. Never seen oberman. Good to go. Great week, actually.
  2. Peter, where would we be without those freshettes of enlightenment that are you links? I never bother to click on them, but I know that others here are occasionally riveted by the jewels you've managed to mine from your apparent wealth of compelling bookmarks. If it were not for you and Billcoe, well...I don't even want to think about it.
  3. it may actually be universal to all creatures, great and small - small brained, especially. Have you seen my new vid?
  4. the cutest little jugular slashing machine there ever was
  5. Definitely superior to you, anyway, but that's like shooting fish in a barrel.
  6. Conservatives don't acknowledge the private sector's painfully obvious fuckedupedness because stupidity is relative. You have to be relatively smarter than the problem to see it. Its no secret that the GOP attracts left half of that bell curve. But modern conservatism isn't really about analysis and problem solving, its about emotional stroking and affirmation. It's hate and fear based - blacks, libruls, gays, women, poor people, damn, the list is endless - so it attracts those with that dysfunctional mental set. As such, it's also the party of envy - those with such a train wreck for a psyche tend to be inherently dissatisfied, hence the focused eye on what's on other people's plates and fetish for material wealth and property - but not the well being of others. Essentially, its the philosophy of a two year old. That's why conservatives ALWAYS stick with the amorphous grand themes - 'freedom', 'patriotism', whatev - details to follow? Don't hold your breath. It's a tribal thing. That's why you can cook the conservative agenda down to 3 or four soundbite sized maxims - free market, etc. Gotta keep that shit simple, cuz complex and real world just isn't the end of the playing field where that constituency plays. There are, of course, a healthy supply of less 'principled' conservatives who are whip smart and just couldn't give less of a shit about anyone but themselves. Health of the nation as a whole? FUCK THAT. Darwinism, bitch.
  7. Worship of private sector 'efficiency' baffles me - 80% of new businesses implode within 2 years. It's mostly a sea of fail. Much of the rest of it is a sea of fraud. It's rare, very rare, when the private sector delivers what it says its going to. Most of us work in the private sector and can attest personally to its inherent idiocy. These comments do not constitute worship of the public sector - just a just recognition that there is no inherent, observed reason why one is better than the other. For critical functions in a democracy, the private sector is a complete fail - an obvious conflict of interest without public accountability. I present you our worldwide joke of a health care system.
  8. That's one of the few sectors of the economy that's actually growing. In addition to medical billing and pet insurance.
  9. You haven't met Josh's cat Naya, apparently.
  10. Both reevers with meat cleavers and pot smokers perform the same function: They create criminal justice system jobs.
  11. I don't think so. The GOP had to convince him to run this time...i think even the dimmest bulb, and Rossi certainly is in that category considering the, um, 'complexity' of his well thought out proposals, gets the hint after so much rejection. He's gotta be burned out by now...and heavily in debt.
  12. That's not gonna buff out. There's where a minor investment in medication would have really paid for itself many times over.
  13. All those hungry palms that will have to go un-greased. The Humanity!
  14. To progressives, the common man is an abstraction. This constitutes a huge gap in the way productive organizations operate and them. Organizations are successful through their connections with individuals, including the individuals they seek to help. Its that series of life stories that makes the movement, not some ism.
  15. it is an epic battle of Love versus Hate being fought on such a large scale as to be almost irrelevant to the common man.
  16. nothing matters when you're too kewl for skewl.
  17. It's apparently a sign of adulation on his home world. It's a good thing he already had a large corporate cock down this throat...otherwise i might have had to pry him loose elsewhere.
  18. In order for FW to lick anything I'd have to remove his head from my ass. I've been trying to extract him ever since he burrowed up there shortly after I first logged on.
  19. They can blow all the money they want. I fucking eat, drink, read, watch, and do what I want anyway. If I wanted a nanny, I'd hire one...a little French one with very, very spiky heels.
  20. Who cares?
  21. I know that headline'll sweep in the Rfucks, too, popcorn and all... WTF has Obama Done For Us So Far?
  22. Beautiful timing! I haven't seen a soft drink ad in months...except when I go into a mini mart to buy a soft drink, that is. LOL. Nobody forces anybody to consume garbage, food or information-wise. It's a choice...as it should be.
  23. I had this discussion with a woman recently. She was pissed that the 'media' was forcing her to worry about her body image. I was like, "What media?"...I never see anything like that. I mean, sure, there's the occasional stick insect in the perfume ads, but that's hardly anything that would have much of an impact. "Just turn on the TV!" she yelled. "I don't have a TV." I replied. Yup. Not that hard.
  24. It's like those evil soft drink companies forcing us to be fat LOL.
  25. Yeah, free speech sucks, don't it? All those dumbshits lapping up all those dumb lies. Welcome to the most powerful nation on earth.
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