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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. May I ask another poster to lick sack if I really mean it?
  2. That last two pages gave me alzheimers
  3. If my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle.
  4. It's called disagreeing. Grow up.
  5. Banning. Such a...human process.
  6. Interesting topic but I'm left wondering if Language will get you banned or if Language posted by me will get me banned. Its not as if offensive language, insults, and personal attacks aren't posted here often. Obviously my post was vulgar but not extraordinary judging by some of the posts in Spray. Its strange that "flapping cunt" is over the line but not "Alright, You Faggots", "can't help that Nitrox craves big black dick.", or "JewPR". If I didn't know better I'd swear that you have a personal problem with me and are making it public instead of addressing the issue privately (Which I think would have netted a more positive result). I can accept that what I said was a ban'able offense but does that mean moving forward the rules will be applied evenly regardless of the side you're on? Maybe Admins would like to weigh in on the topic, is the 'swamp getting drained' or have we found a petty new low? quit yer flapping, cunt Nitrox's persecution...Egypt...it's all so moving.
  7. what, giving aid climbers a new route to do in general is OK, but a new route to do in crappy weather or winter is not OK? Whatev... Motivation? Who cares? As long as the route is put up in a good style, and this one was, does the community really need to 'approve' the climber's motivation? I mean, really. Come on.
  8. The administration probably had a significant effect on Mubarak's sudden change of heart. If so, excellent work.
  9. They'll probably need to dump Sulieman and their existing parliament and start fresh.
  10. Iran, hopefully you're next. We'd love to have the Persian people back in the world.
  11. Right Wing Thug #2, ousted by a secular, liberal democratic movement.
  12. It's interesting to note that our invasions, by all accounts, serve only has glaring negative examples of how NOT to 'transition to democracy' for the Islamic world. Democracy through total destruction and chaos never seemed to catch on. The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt have everything to do with a natural human desire for secular democracy and self determination, and nothing to do with the threat of our extreme brand of violence so beloved by our ongoing neocon actions.
  13. better a warm cock than a cold one, particularly if you're attached to it.
  14. Neat. I have a problem with things like the death penalty for apostates, etc that you can neither account for by recourse to Western misdeeds, nor seemingly find it within you to unconditionally condemn. I propose a game where I point out a practice like killing apostates and you strain your faculties to use it as a justifiable response to western cultural hegemony/imperialism, point out that it's no worse than a christian practice that was widespread a few centuries ago and thus exempt from a principled criticism, etc... And I have a problem with bullshit artists, such as yourself, who rooted for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq - and the unfathomable human misery those events caused. The message seems to be: our Big Idea projects were (as predicted by half of this country) abject failures...who can we blame? Now you're telling us that you're against "the death penalty for apostates"...as if anyone is FOR such a policy? Kind of like saying you're pro-puppy. Your mantra seems to be that the Left, whoever that is, has stood calmly by while Islam wreaks havoc. Taking Left and Right out of this and getting down reality, tell me, what have you done personally to forward the cause of civil rights either here or abroad? And no, voting Republican (or Democrat), the very minimum of civic duties for any citizen, doesn't count. Don't worry, I don't expect anything but a dodge or personal attack as a response here. I'd love to discover that I'm wrong, but I suspect you haven't done one tangible thing to advance the cause of human rights either here or elsewhere.
  15. Rest assured, you'll be the last to know.
  16. Right over his head. Joe, that was a fine bit of hysterical stream of consciousness. When's the book coming out?
  17. I think you definition of 'massive' is pretty far out from the norm, if there even is one given that the lions share of the histrionics surrounding this topic emanate from a relatively tiny group of nervous souls. For these rarefied few, any bolting project, regardless of the care and consideration with which it was undertaken, becomes an insult. Note that the competing and very important issue of route safety, for both leader and belayer, seems to go unmentioned, the idea being that, if one cannot climb it free at 5:12, regardless of pro availability, the occasional bolt is...maybe...OK. But check with me, first. There are a very few bolting projects that serve as grid bolting poster children. The vast majority are done responsibly. The problems is simply not as big as these few air raid sirens would have us believe.
  18. If one steps back and counts 'insults, injuries and deaths' inflicted by all parties in, say, Iraq, rather than just 'suicide bombings', one gets a more accurate picture of how we got here and where we might be headed. This is not the kind of analysis you'll from in the Islamophobic set, of course, they have no suggested solutions other than the uber successful 'buy love/whack a mole' strategy that has produced such stellar results after 8 years of really, really expensive war. Such an analysis would involve a cultural and political inquisitiveness regarding all players...not exactly a trait the Right's exhibited so far.
  19. I would kind of have a problem with a bunch of foreigners rolling into to town, setting up check points, kicking doors down, dragging people away, and throwing them into rivers to drown. Yeah...maybe just a little problem with that. But hey...ALLAH AKBAR! or whatev...
  20. It does nothing to advance your arguments, I think you should reconsider your policy on gratuitous insults. comeon Off_White, spray is, to steal from the Drake, the Bitching room for whiny people that bore us to tears. The conservative clavern hasn't changed their argument points since Spray began - despite the world changing around them. Same talking points, same ideas, same waste of time. I don't agree. The conservitards are now universally: For gay marriage Against the war in Iraq For addressing human caused global warming That's three big reversals on three big issues over as many years. That bolting issue, though....
  21. Dude, that's a pretty low blow by any standard. Give me a break. It's more a matter of what kind of climbing. If you mean I'm not for new routes that are more or less wholly dependent on mass quantities of fixed pro - you're right, I'm not for that kind of climbing anywhere on Beacon. If you're talking judicious use of fixed pro then, especially on the north face, I'm all for it. sounds like double-talk to me - you're for it, but only under conditions that make it impossible, so really you're not for it yes, i was deadset on getting it ground to summit, and w/ as little bolting as required - if you'd at least rap the damn route you'd understand what you're talking about. shit, i might even be willing to go w/ you. watchu doing this weekend? of course you can't go ground to summit in typical winter conditions on the n side without bolts - that's why it hadn't happened until the closures started. Sounds like 'Route Approval' depends on one guy's quirky personal preferences to me. "Is it a natural line?" Gee, no subjectivity there. The bottom line is that the route was put up responsibly and in good faith with a minimum of fixed pro in an area that sees few climbers. Ivan has added something valuable to Beacon without detracting from its environment or beauty. JosephH has a right to an opinion about it, as we all do, although a more learned opinion gained by familiarity might add some much needed weight...but that's about where this ends.
  22. Another failing aspect of Jay's argument is that it depends upon only one success criteria, as if all modes of transport had equal environmental impact, convenience, comfort, speed of travel, accessibility to low income folks, and effect on society.
  23. I'm not convinced that the intensity of subsidization relative to revenue is going to change the picture at all, but if you've got the data that shows that state and local subsidies for the likes of Metro, the WSF, etc narrow or eliminate the subsidization gap on a passenger mile basis - that would be a welcome addition to the debate here. Happy Googling. It's your stupid argument. Own it.
  24. Strawman alert! No one has claimed that there is no connection between Islam and suicide bombing. No shit, Sherlock. The primary human motivations for suicide bombing are the need to do something heroic, like repel a foreign occupier, and/or revenge for perceived or real humiliation and violence. Islam may provide the stoke, in some cases, but not the basic motivation. Your focus on the religion itself reveals a basic lack of understanding of the fundamental problem stemming from a basically ignorant American viewpoint, and thus provides no path towards a solution. This bright idea of 'fighting Islam' has done nothing more than to increase the insult...and thus the desire for revenge. The results of such ignorance? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Afghanistan and Iraq. We shouldn't be there. Not then, not now.
  25. Stand by for some real fun and games.... Ouch.... A true psychopath in action.
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