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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Since, you know, you've taken the effort to go to my website or shows and see my art hee hee.
  2. Xmas is coming up, KKK. I can always use more cobalt drill bits and 4" grinder blades. Support the arts.
  3. I've crossed you off my 'prospective art patron' list LOL. Speaking of that, I've got a shitty exhibition coming up, so it's hi ho, hi ho...
  4. I think it'll take longer. The man's, well, not as self-aware as he could be.
  5. "Bypass the Media Filter"
  6. *yawn* Same old boring shit from a boring old loser. A loser that runs two of his own businesses. Perhaps you could write a 'how to' for us. Or a helpful pamphlet on improving the American work ethic.
  7. You are perfectly welcome to start your OWN business, pay yourself less, your workers more, and run a more equitable business. If all your like-minded liberal friends do the same then you'd effect real change. Oh, wait, that would actually require DOING something. You, in turn, might consider actually working rather than fucking around on the internet while 'earning' your paycheck.
  8. Christ, now Bill's reposting JayB's old stuff. Semi pro level sycophant.
  9. Exploding lady bugs. Hard on the plants, but harder on the aphids. Not unlike our War on Terror, really. "Hey, sorry about that wedding party. Everybody makes mistakes!"
  10. Boutique little vignettes about dirty hippies and B movie British actors aside, redistribution of wealth is what governments do.
  11. I realize that 'credentials' are one of FW's fetishes, but they are neither necessary nor sufficient for making a credible, cogent argument.
  12. "Accusation" of homosexuality? Telling. I only speculated that you seem to some well known traits of a closeted, and therefore repressed, homosexual. Remaining closeted is no doubt unhealthy for your relationships, witness your progress here after so many years - little in the way of personal connection, more a fetish for public self flagellation than anything approaching a worthwhile engagement for the very few who might consider it. Dicks are dicks for a reason, usually, and you're not substantially unusual in that department.
  13. These guys in Michigan fly remote controlled beetles around like drones. They hacked into the insect's operating system and mimic the neural firings necessary for the basic maneuver's of flight. They can't see what the insect sees (yet), so they mount a really fucking small video camera on the insect.
  14. Anyone who wants to fight this bill can do so here: Take action here.
  15. Systems that are deeply broken are also opportunities for substantive change. Just thought I'd muddy up a real conversation with an inspirational soundbyte, to keep it modern.
  16. The New Cyborgs
  17. If 'fucking a pig' is a euphemism for making an ass out of yourself on the innernutz, I'd say he's sold his ass cheap to a whole farm full of 'em.
  18. How many pounds was the puppy? You probably coulda served it up before the bird.
  19. Typical weird behavior from a typically repressed mind.
  20. "Hypocracy Monitor". That'll win ya more friends than the Junior Cop who marks the tires in da Hi Skoo parking lot.
  22. Throwing the phrase "peer reviewed" around a lot and commenting on citation methodology doesn't cut it, either. Both behaviors support my earlier hypothesis, however.
  23. Yeah, I'd say his training in that department might run a bit shy o' the mark.
  24. I'd mark 'Dwayner style sense of humor' down as one probable cause for the his friend-free experience.
  25. If a guy can repress his own sexuality, what ideas won't he repress? Of course, this probably has less to do with repressed sexuality than a simple inability to analyze even straightforward prose reasonably. Not to worry, the average American reads at a 6th grade level, so FW's in big, if not good, company.
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