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Everything posted by enelson

  1. i don't hate america, just our war crazed leaders. the only thing God will sort out is people who only make asshole selfish comment and those who actually try to make others lives better. good luck with that.
  2. i think that tank is just looking for directions to the ping pong pussy show
  3. i was wondering who would actually click that link at the bottom of all these pages, only clowns and shemales i guess. i'm on my way...
  4. damn, these stories are truly an insperation, thanks for the work and sharing
  5. I think i would prefer avoiding the group if i have to make the face of that second guy in line at any point of induction, on a porch or not. 1st rule of the mounties....
  6. enelson


    a few points for the more obscure refrences, though this is now getting out of hand. ss, take some control here.
  7. yes, read my title and this question will make sense. who the f are these mounties everyone is always making fun of . if this is them in the picture, they are certainly deserving of the ridicule and the past few weeks of being a little confused about the reference will be a cleared to me.
  8. enelson


    huh, i think the gov't of cali should sue itself for using those vehicles for all the work they do around the state. also they should sue the federal gov't for selling land to railroad companies to open the west for expansion knowing the trains would give off icky coal emissions. maybe they should sue all (most) the citizens too for even using cars. and all the medical equipment manufacturers for making plastic instruments that save lives because they come from petrol products and give off emissions in the production process (electricity) that cost the state millions of dollars. actually, i am going to sue you peter for using a computer, because undoubtedly some of the power it takes to run your computer came from some source of fossil fuels, and that has cost me, well i don't know, but it sucks. see you in court. (i am not responsible for any of it, i am posting from papyrus based internet technology)
  9. thanks, are those frogs? actually spring water may be a little harder to find than mountain air, which is much more readily available, it's just a bit more soothing to me. as for scent, that doesn't really matter, does it?
  10. thats great, maybe i see a poetry section developing. however i might add "spring water" as my choice deodorant
  11. enelson

    laptop advice

    are you talking about harnesses, because i must have gotten one fron the 51%, i had to provide my own...
  12. i think he got it from "the foreigner"
  13. speaking of which, your and you're are very different. i am pretty sure it is the biggest mistake on this site. figure it out, especially when you discussing such matters.
  14. i think that is a screen shot from a james bond movie, a jet pack maybe?
  15. well, maybe you should check this out and then start complaining. or move to venezuela or kazakhstan. http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global_gasprices/price.html
  16. am i a part of your "they" america haters? and peter, what do you not understand? i think we get a pretty good price on oil because of how we militarily treat countries in the middle east to secure american business in the region to those sources of oil. have you ever bought gas in canada, or europe, it is crazy there, it is a discrepancy that i think people should look into before they complain. maybe you understood that part of my argument though, to explain the rest, i was making fun of usless suv's.
  17. I don't want gas prices to go up for the midterms, i want them to go up so people will stop buying stupid suv's and giant trucks because they think they look cool. also, i think american gas prices should be based upon a free and fair balanced global standard, insted of being swayed by american business interest (protected by our military). people call for globalization and free trade when really all they want is money at the exploitation of people they will never see or hear from. if this were to happen our gas prices would go up, so i am in favor of that as a wake up call to all the people out there who have no idea where their gas comes from or why they are paying the prices they do. i bet mr Pininich drives a tahoe.
  18. does everyone else just do this at work like me, cause this is funny and i was super bored about an hour ago before i found this thread. and make sure you send out enough milk for the whole class
  19. enelson

    We're Number 17!

    by the way, rockclimbing.com sucks, that thing takes forever to load, unlike looking at that pic.
  20. enelson

    We're Number 17!

    thanks for getting that one so quickly (so many double meanings )
  21. enelson

    We're Number 17!

    I LOVE www.vuelta.de, i spend 15 hours a day on that site, and only 9 hours a day here at cc.com. (by the way, whats with the super oily stonenude, woundn't that make it super hard to climb?)
  22. oly, does that come with the 12 piece or the 24 piece tupperware set? ("I want that")
  23. http://youtube.com/watch?v=LZKmUXRrgN4&mode=related&search= this is so classic, making me laugh too loud in the office
  24. like whenever you are in bellevue
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