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Everything posted by Dannible

  1. Might not be a "must do," but this route has some fun pitches: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=628237&PHPSESSID=dfd9db59b57e009552e95d129dcf6817. I think that if you head east from the start of the NW Face, on the east end of the grassy bench you can drop down 10 feet on a class 4 slab to a ledge at the base of the 3rd pitch, avoiding a lot of class 4 and two easy pitches. Or you might have to scramble up over something before you drop down, I don't remember. Might be a good way to spend your half day. Bring extra RPs and your choice of narrow headed small cams to make the aid reasonable. Offsets would be ideal.
  2. Well, I was going to say that we should start burning foreigners in the streets to set an example, but I think G-spotter is on to something. This is our chance to make the world think that we are sympathetic, peaceful people who just want what's best for everyone. Once we have regained their trust, WE STRIKE!
  3. I'm not saying that it's fair, I'm just saying that I understand why the undocumented worker might put the needs of his family and himself before others.
  4. Well, I would rather have them steal than starve to death I guess, but that is not the issue here. They are working. Stealing and working are two different things.
  5. I agree that punishing those who hire illegal immigrants is the way to solve the problem, but the simple fact is that the illegal immigrants who were arrested had no malicious intent. In most cases they are trying to make a better lives for themselves and for their families. Sure they could have gone through the necessary hoops to get the legal documents, but I would imagine that when your family is starving, patients wears thin, and you are going to do whatever it takes to support them.
  6. That's bold. 10b is an oldschool rating (castle rating) for Brass Balls, I'd call it c or d. Pulling through the first roof your body is parallel to the ground (can't really tell in the video), and you have to swing out and pull up on jugs. The crux for most people is pulling through the second roof on insecure finger locks.
  7. Nice picture. His bike ended up in the bushes about 30 feet away. Pretty much the first thing I said was "this is an asshole thing to say, but I'm glad you took the lead!"
  8. Generally speaking I'd say that Olympic choss makes North Cascade choss seem pretty nice. There is a pretty good reason why the more technical routes are not very popular in there.
  9. Sounds like a full dose of Olympic fun. Thanks for reporting on this, I was thinking about either soloing it, or bringing some gym climbers along. So much for that. If you are really feeling down in life, go climb the South Ridge of Mt. Buckhorn... Sorry about the rope.
  10. We saw 3 snakes there on Sunday. They seemed friendly enough though, and only one rattled despite much taunting.
  11. That's you guys on pitch 4. I was so stoked when I saw the route was dry. In early season coming up from the hairpin is the way to go; 1 hour up, 10 minutes down.
  12. Nice to meet you Bill, let me know when you want to check that place out this summer. Drinking all night and climbing (and drinking) all day? You guys sound like my kind of people.
  13. Did anyone else see this? I was belaying my partner up on the southwest rib, heard a rumbling (one of many throughout the day), and looked over in time to see someone's near miss.
  14. I don't know what it's called, but next to "La Cucaracha" there is a nasty one that doesn't really let you get solid jams of any kind. The book calls it 5.9, but personally I would say that it is the hardest single pitch that I have climbed.
  15. Ok, I can go for a little while. I've seen cliffhanger AND vertical limit so clearly I know how to belay and stuff. What time you thinking? I'm free until about 3.
  16. I'm gonna be up that way on Friday and might have time early on. I'll get back to you.
  17. I haven't been up there recently but I would think that there is snow. I climbed it last fall when there was a good amount of snow on it and it was fine; I'm not sure about the north side routes, but for the most part the top seemed pretty low angle.
  18. There are lots of routes at Mt. Erie, near Anacortes. Some people like the place, some hate it, but Olympia has no real rock so you might like it (I do). Larabee State Park has some good bouldering right on the beach and some places that you can put up a top rope on the traintracks. There are a handfull of other smaller areas such as Blanchard Mountain, Big Rock (east of Mount Vernon), and on the Mt. Baker HW. There are guidebooks available, or you can look online.
  19. The few gyms in B-ham might not be as good as the one in Oly, but there is a lot more real rock up there. Consider yourself lucky.
  20. Yeah the snow lake trail is pretty messed up.
  21. Between taking a long time to pack up my stuff and having to drive for a long time to get to the mountains I don't think that I've ever slept more than a few hours before an alpine climb. I would say that sometimes sleep deprivation slows me down on the walk in, but most the time I feel pretty on top of things when I'm climbing.
  22. Dannible

    Mind Fuck

    You took the time to register for the site, only to say that, and you are telling people that they are wasting their time?
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