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Everything posted by Big_Lebowski

  1. Big_Lebowski


    I am out: All of my sillyness: Pullin_Fool MisterE Mos_Chillin Capn_Black_Bart Bye Bye
  2. whoops! 2 more years! Isn't it fun to be a part of this?
  3. That shit is 5.12 at the Lower now, siiiiiick, Man
  4. Yah, I was wrong, and spoke from a place of bias. Yay, I am the first
  5. Time Isn't Holding Us
  6. "Massage fucking sucks" works well.
  7. Farmed fish. Stolen. Where to begin, Man.... Friends don't let friends eat farmed fish This would never happen with wild salmon, farms get fucked with: old story... Poaching, overfishing, dams... etc, etc, ad nauseum
  8. Just a little longer, Man.
  9. This is the rack I saw:
  10. Yeah, I saw those too. We were trying to do the ultimate link-up and spied the new slab bolts on Diedre There was a nice water-run on the route , and we bailed on the Memorial after the initial moves cuz the upper crack had a 3 foot wide wet streak.
  11. What's it like to run out of material, Man? Doesn't it just make you wonder how you got SO LAME? At least Trask would post some offending link if he had nothing original. Thanks for dumbing down this site, WeakAss.
  12. It was wet, but we got some good stuff in. The Smoke Bluffs were a zoo.
  13. Mike, if you enjoyed that so much, try camping with the windsurfers at the spit next time yer in Squamish! Good Times, too!
  14. and ultimately curling.
  15. Pretty sweet troll, though. Ya gotta admit.
  16. I AM OLYCLIMBER!!!!! That was easy.
  17. excitement!
  18. Whoever lead the horrorshow decides, Man.
  19. ...visualizing litres of duty-free kahlua...
  20. You guys should try a real bar sometime. :white russian drinking graemlin:
  21. His post pre-qualifies him as a bad-ass. Log-in name is fine. p.s. I love this site for random old-skool shit like that post!
  22. OK, local guys: Dru, Avitripp, Murray, Jordrop, Fern... Is is gonna be or
  23. Maybe where you came from is something to be left behind, Man. Cuz you be harshin' on the newbies like regular. But, then you are the Patriarch of CC, so I guess it's OK. I should be honored and shit, Man.
  24. It's so cool to have the hardman Zen guy to balance us out. Thanks for hangin' SC
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