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Everything posted by mythosgrl

  1. Tissue takes at least 6 weeks to heal- so RICE is the best thing for it. Sorry to hear that you're hurting.
  2. The insurance company was Assurent. A lot of my classmates like them because they offer really cheap rates if you are healthy. They said they would tack on $40 a month to cover me and my husband for climbing injuries, but would only pay up to 10K in bills for the injury. I work in the healthcare system and know that 10K is nothing if you are injured seriously. Yes, they asked me if i went skydiving, whitewater kayaking, mountain climbing, SCUBA diving OR rock climbing. Anyone have any actual help out there?? Wasn't sure if this post belonged on the climber's board or spray...
  3. I am in the market for health insurance and I talked to a company that gives pretty cheap plans yesterday, but they asked if I rock climbed and I told the truth... They said they would not cover me if I got injured climbing. Ugh!! Frustrating... Anyone know if all insurance companies ask that question? Anyone have a cheap plan now that is basically catastrophic insurance, but would cover a climbing accident? I will be living in CO, so I would have to go through a company that had contracts with providers there. Thanks for your help!
  4. Actually, Medicare has the lowest overhead costs when compared to every other insurance provider. Part of the reason is that there isn't a CEO taking millions out of the system every year for his/her paycheck like all of the private insurance companies. Fun facts: United Health Group CEO: William W McGuire 2005 salary: 124.8 mil 5-year: 342 mil Aetna CEO: John Rowe 2005: 22.1 mil 5-year:57.8 mil
  5. Maybe this is going overboard- but here's what's out there in the medical literature: Radiographic Adaptations to the Stress of High-Level Rock Climbing in Junior Athletes A 5-Year Longitudinal Study of the German Junior National Team and a Group of Recreational Climbers from the American Journal of Sports medicine In this study, researchers studied 19 competitve rock climbers with the mean age of 15 in 1999. The participants were followed for 5 years and then retested (hand x-rays, flexibility, body fat testing, etc)and compared to age and gender matched teens who did not climb. Only 10 climbers were tested in 2004 because some dropped out of the study. Conclusion: With the 5-year longitudinal evaluation of radiographs of hands of young top-level climbers (GJNT) and controls, we can demonstrate that intensive training and climbing leads to adaptive reactions such as cortical hypertrophy and broadened joint bases in the fingers. Nevertheless, osteoarthrotic changes are rare in young climbers. A longer follow-up is still necessary to evaluate whether these adaptive stress reactions may lead to an early onset of osteoarthritis. Review of the physiological responses to rock climbing in young climbers British Journal of Sports Medicine Purpose: To critically review climbing literature alongside relevant literature characterising physiological adaptations in young athletes. Evidence-based recommendations were sought to inform the training of young climbers. Method: Fifty from 200 climbing studies, and large-scale physiological studies highlighting specific common development growth variables in youngsters were selected for appropriateness to this review. Where reported, measured mean and standard deviation values are indicated. The term youngster in this review refers to those aged 7 to 17 years. Finding: Based on injury data, climbers aged <16 cannot participate in international bouldering competitions, and intensive finger strength training is not recommended. The majority of climbing foot injuries result from wearing climbing shoes unnaturally shaped or too small in size. Isometric and explosive strength improvements are strongly associated with the latter stages of sexual maturation and specific ontogenetic development. Improvement in motor abilities declines at ages closely associated with the second and third stages of sexual maturation. The final growth spurt in pubescence is associated with a greater incidence of physeal fractures. Climbing literature uses chronological age, rather than measures such as Tanner stages, to mark biological or pubertal maturation. It is not known whether selection, intensive training and/or disordered dietary habits can account for limited data on competitive young climbers who were shorter, lighter and with less body fat than athletic controls and normative data. Somatotyping that might identify common physical attributes in elite climbers of any age was incomplete. CONCLUSION: Accomplished adolescent climbers can now climb identical grades and compete against elite adult climbers aged up to and >40 years. As the implications of a youngster's high-intensity sports training requiring leanness can result in more significantly altered and delayed pubertal and skeletal development, metabolic and neuroendocrine aberrations, and trigger eating disorders, this should be sensitively and regularly monitored. Training should reflect efficacious exercises for a given gender and biological age. hope this helps! Basically it sounds like climbing, if done in moderation, is fine.
  6. Nice work, guys! I laughed out loud about the Worther's and cam thawing.
  7. Ever climb at a place called Index?
  8. The mountains are nowhere near as impressive or adventurous in Colorado, but there is a lot more cragging, a lot more climbable days, and very diverse types of climbing. Just because no single area is on par with Index or Squamish doesn't mean there isn't still a lot of quality.
  9. i flew from Denver to Seatac last month with a trad rack and no one said anything. Didn't have a rope, though.
  10. Congrats! Now you can move down here! I'm so excited to be neighbors with you and Sam.
  11. "Ducks eat for free at Subway"
  12. time to start brewing your own!
  13. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.996d5cb1e73d96f0dfd0871ab8daba1f.391&show_article=1 I am partial to facebook because it seems like there are fewer creepers on it than myspace... but now that ya'll are on facebook... maybe that ratio has changed.
  14. I want to live in the future, too!! enjoyed the pics
  15. I doubt that it is a break in your bone and that an x-ray would help because usually stress fractures take months of continuous stress being put on a certain area. Could be plantar fasciaitis... you said the pain is on the underside of your foot and the outside? You could try some stretches with a belt or a inch-wide runner. Sitting down with legs outstretched on the floor, wrap the belt around the ball of your foot and pull belt toward you. Pull until you feel a good stretch. If this doesn't help things i'd see a doctor.
  16. Bouldering in Morrison, CO. Wish i had been at Index, though!
  17. The Sugar Loaf at Murrin Park has some good beginner climbs on it (5.6-5.8 all trad). I wouldn't go there on weekends, though!
  18. Someone i know does many alpine routes in some green jeans that he found at a trash compactor... They seem to work well for him.
  19. Driving out there this Saturday. I'll be there the 8th-13! So excited!! :moondance:
  20. yeah I thought that sounded an awfully lot like Bush... The Daily show had a funny comparison between Bush speeches and Obama's. http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/index.jhtml?episodeId=216535 I personally think we should apologize. I mean, if everyone lived like us we'd need 5 Earth's to have enough resources, etc. I think we have plenty of things to apologize for...
  21. Loved the pictures! Thanks!
  22. Neither! I use Aquamira drops. You have to carry 2 small bottles but the drops clean your water in 5 mins and there is no bad aftertaste. Hooray! in-depth article
  23. Yeah there must be some desperate, rich men out there
  24. CNN said the event will take place at the Bunny Ranch in Nevada
  25. Right now her top bidder says he'll pay 3.7 million details...
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