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Everything posted by Chuck_Norris

  1. yes, fatty indeed.
  2. How much do you wiegh these days Seagull? I hear you're a fatty.
  3. Chuck_Norris

    30,000 posts

    Very 3rd grade of you. You're weak.
  4. I see that you have enough self awareness to realize that you're clown.
  5. Try punching the sickness out of your body...if that doesn't work, then schedule an appointment with my secretary, and I'll knock it out with a roundhouse.
  6. Chuck_Norris

    30,000 posts

    you have to strap on to get any action, chump.
  7. You all think you have what it takes to be a Seagal? Steven won't talk about his dance skills, pizzazz, ability to please the crowd, as well as his physical appearance. http://www.seahawks.com/SGOverView.aspx?SecID=63&ID=141
  8. Chuck_Norris

    30,000 posts

    ya...you got it...that isn't her knee.
  9. Colin is very active in my non-profit organization Kick Drugs Out of America.
  10. ...I bet you don't even have any chest hair. Don't worry, I'm sure you can borrow a chest wig from Elton John.
  11. Your style is weak. What is it with the little ponytail you've been sporting? Perhaps you missed my performance in Dodgeball, where I truly demonstrated who is the Grand Master.
  12. Chuck_Norris

    30,000 posts

    You bring your whole crew...those clowns from the A-Team, your Dukes of Hazzard butt buddies, and I've heard how warmly you were accepted on your guest appearance of Bosom Buddies....and you all stand in a line with a lump of coal in your mouth. One round house kick, and I'm crush them all into the largest diamond in the world...and give it to your mom. Your mom really likes that diamond I gave her the other day...but you can tell her it is cubic zirconia....she is a fool just like you Seagull. Now check me kicking it with a hottie: HIIIII-YAAAAAA! ....scared ya, didn't I?
  13. How many cans of Lightning Bolt did you have to drink to muster the sack to post again? BTW, everyone knows that aikido is weak compared to my Tang Soo Do, Taekwondo, Shinto-Ryu Karate, Jui-Jitsu, and especially my Chun Kuk Do. You better shut your trap before you go "missing in action" chump. And yea...I don't even need to look at what I'm shooting at, because I'm Chuck Norris.
  14. Who the hell is this Seagull dude, and why does he so not like his current facial configuration?
  15. bloodshot tits! this is driving me over the top. I'm going to become a muslim and declare jihad on this country.
  16. sausage nunchucks are amoung the most delicious weapons known. they are especially deadly against midgets, but do not work against me. My only vulnerablity is the weaker sex.
  17. Chuck_Norris


    Looks like someone is looking for a private lesson....in Kickology!
  18. Chuck_Norris


    you're on to my plan.
  19. Chuck_Norris


    OK, line starts behind ScottP.
  20. Chuck_Norris

    Number 10,000

    Clearly both of you geeks want to be first in line.
  21. Chuck_Norris


    Who wants to get their ass kicked? Form a line right here...
  22. When I do a pushup, I'm not lifting myself up, I'm pushing the Earth down.
  23. That was fun. Roundhouse kicks never get old. They really just improve like fine wine.
  24. Excuse me while I go deliver a roundhouse kick to my server administrator's face. Oh, and by the way, time waits for no man. Unless that man is me.
  25. Did you pick up on of my teeshirts when you were down in Argentina? They are replacing gold as their monetary standard with these bad boys:
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