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Everything posted by crackers

  1. then they've improved them since the prototypes. the first ones i saw weren't an improvement over new aliens. Are you comparing them to your old ones or other new ones?
  2. John: No, that was whining. It's not like you never do it. Roboboy: Actually, no, I don't think I will ever eBay anything from cilogear again.
  3. UBB34-ML-590859-ML- THE YARD SALE IS NOT FOR EBAY read the rules Chatter about eBAY elsewhere. Sell gear person-2-person in the Yard Sale. No corporate shit in here.
  4. No, he's not. I've been going to 5 to 30 games a year since 1977. You can root for the other team without having beer or other beverages thrown on you safely. But don't expect not to get heckled by all the people around you. And I agree about the mariners sucking. Now, the braves having a 'winning streak' well...but i have to say that chipper jones is an excellent player and the pitching was just something else. I think if they'd been a real (AL) team, they'd have won more world series...
  5. aliens. newman at rock and snow switched to C3s though, so YMMV.
  6. What would have been rad is if your fan belt broke at this point. And you got a flat. yeah, cause then it would be self defense when you pummeled them with your tire iron. i saw two guys scream at each other for two pitches at the gunks, rap down to the ground and pound the shit out of each other for twenty minutes or so. My partner timed it. We didn't interfere because of what they were screaming at each other, we figured they had legitimate beefs with each other. The one guy had been fcking the other's wife for awhile, and thought his climbing partner would be fine with it. He wasn't.
  7. Acme is owned by Lon at Mountain Goat Outfitters in Spokane. Call him. The shop # 509-325-9806 .
  8. My fiance bought me three pairs of patagucci capilene boxer briefs. I had to admit it, but i love them and i'm planning to get some more during their next sale...
  9. I love aliens in the gunks. I've never used them alpine climbing because most of my alpine days have been on crappy exfoliating limestone where i love the sound of a pin. In the gunks, from 5.7 to 5.9, green and yellow are perfect. From 5.9 to 5.11, blue and black are your best friends. I'd start with green, yellow and red in that order. The red is a thinner profile than BD or metolius, but it's definitely on the range of where the beauty of aliens stops.
  10. I just looked at the topo for Wild Iris. It was weird: on one hand it says 'copyright drtopo' and on the other hand they say 'source: paul piana wild iris'... huh? Is it an authorized reprint of piana's book or what?
  11. they lasted like two weeks for me...
  12. You're a sport climber, huh?
  13. shoot, remind me not to sell my gear out west. Out east, practically new looking nuts sell for about 80% of retail, and if you knew the history of the cams they'd be at 80% of retail too...
  14. crackers


    I actually am glad that Zidane won the Golden Ball. I think he actually deserves more for the best TKO I've ever seen in a football match. I couldn't stop laughing. If Materazzi actual said what the Brazilian TV's lip readers said, then I wish ZZ had stomped on him after the TKO. Best part of the final.
  15. I'd bet nobody knows. I know of a couple of places in Turkey and the Caucasus with 1100+ meter vertical faces. I've heard rumors of 1500+ meter granite on baffin and god knows what down in Antarctica. Climbers lie, but who knows...
  16. its one of the only 'cracks' in the gunks too...
  17. http://static.flickr.com/37/115446786_d136402b8f.jpg?v=0 trad babe
  18. I have to say that personally, I agree with Dru more than a little. I've blown out two zippers on them, but a lot of people have asked for them, so... But for traveling or for B/C skiing, well, they work. I was thinking of having the gear (shovel blade, handle, probes) all on the inside of the pack.
  19. Howdy All, I am currently in the process of prototyping some new packs. I'm about done with two small summit / travel packs, and I'm playing around with some panel loading ideas. I'm thinking about two panel loaders. Do you have any thoughts or experience with them? I am playing with one where the zipper is along the back side and another where it's in the front. (In my world view, the back of the pack goes against your back;) ) In either setup, you can open the zipper without adjusting or playing with the zipper. However, this does mean that there can be a big load on the zipper... Any thoughts about panel loaders? As an aside, I am also going to be redoing the design of the 30L worksacks, which means there is going to be a super saver sale soon!
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