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Everything posted by Whatcomboy

  1. Bellingham is getting a new climbing gym sometime this spring according to a newspaper story. Somewhere by B-ham high school.
  2. Sounds like a great climb. I would love to get up Baker late season. You guys just beat the big snow dump. Baker was looking beautiful Friday from my house with fresh stuff.
  3. Trip: Cutthroat Peak - West Ridge Date: 10/18/2010 Trip Report: Headed up to Cutthroat on Sunday morning with Vlato and Andrew figuring it might be a last chance to get on some warm granite rock. Left the car at a leisurely 8am. Cutthroat from highway 20 I had summited a couple weeks before with Norman and we had taken the 2nd. gully which was a nasty, loose choice. I didn't want to do that again so we stayed left of that and went directly to the west ridge. The ridge is airy but easy climbing. Andrew starting on the ridge. We used a running belay here and got to the ledge which brings you to a smooth blocky finish. crossing over the ledge on the north side. One final pitch put us on the top where we lounged in the sun and enjoyed the view. There is a bolted chain to rap back to the ledge with or go back down and recross the ledge again to the ridge. After crossing the ridge you come to a solid rap chain, single rope, then another bolted chain double rope rap to the scree. Back to the car in an hour and cold beer. Good day with my bro's. Liberty Bell/ SEWS. Gear Notes: Two 60m. rope for rappel and small rack.
  4. Trip: Mt. Fury and Mt. Challenger - Access Creek Date: 7/25/2010 Trip Report: Norman and I headed up Access Creek for another trip to the Pickets with a good weather forecast. There is a good log crossing just past Access Creek. Easy going with manageable slide alder as you get to the basin at approx. 4300 ft. Snow starts right away as you climb to the ridge and cross to Luna Col. Big cornices at the Col and no running water found. The next morning we didn't get an early start as we headed over to Mt. Fury. The ugly looking ledge at the start is easy and wide. Crossed over and took a steep gully down and long traverse to the southeast glacier. Potterfield and Nelson route helped. Dumped the packs and continued up the glacier with a few steep sections and found the summit register. Only one other party had signed it this year. We must be slow because we got back to the top of the ledge in the dark. With headlamps on, we made it back to camp and met another group who had boiling water for us. Thanks guys. That night stormed with high winds. The next morning, we left in heavy clouds and poor visibility down to Luna Lake and up to Challenger Aim. The other group was waiting to see if it would clear up a little to go for Fury. We dug in that night on the glacier in high winds figuring on no chance at Challenger. Wrong! Morning was clear and calm. The bergschrund is wide and solid. You could drive a truck over it. There is a very steep arĂȘte we protected with 2 pickets and up to the summit. Short rap off summit block and back to camp and over to Perfect Pass for one night. Found good running water. Grind out to Easy Ridge and Hannegen Pass Trail Head. My daughter left a map in the car leading to 2 cold beers in the stream. Nice ending to a great trip. *Having trouble uploading pics. Will try again later.
  5. We met you two on the trail down to the boat dock as we were hiking in. Your TR and pics are fantastic and give your Dad a well done. We finally summited Challenger after 3 trys.
  6. Were you the group of five Norman and I met at the Col after we summited Colchuck Peak? We were going to head up Dragontail but changed plans due to soft snow and headed down.
  7. Trip: South Early Winter Spire - Southwest Couloir Date: 5/9/2010 Trip Report: Climbed the couloir at SEWS on Saturday in perfect snow and weather conditions. Hiked up in good time on firm snow. Norman and me had climbed this route few years back and thought it would be a good one for new guy Eddie. Knowing the snow conditions can be anything here we brought plenty of gear. The big boulder at the start is covered in deep snow and can't be seen. Lower portion of the gully was good boot steps and higher up hard snow but not ice. We used a couple pickets for running belay and cruised it. A short bit of snow covered rock steps and we were on top with fantastic views all around. Saw a couple groups of skiers skinning up the bowl and over the other side. Thunderstorms were forecast but we were in sunshine the whole day. Had the mountain to ourselves so we lounged on top for a long time. Easy downclimb and the snowshoes helped on the hike out. Great day in the mountains. Start of couloir Liberty Bell from summit Top of couloir Three Stooges Gear Notes: rope,pickets,crampons. didn't use 2nd tool or screws.
  8. That is the biggest blister I've ever seen. Did you wear cement boots?
  9. Sheesh. Another over educated desk jockey wondering about what to do with my life question. Guess I'll ask folks on the internet what to do. Your 25 and still wet behind the ears. Quit and let some other bloke have your job. Get a job pounding nails or drive a truck for a while. Life is what you make it.
  10. Edgeworks mailed me one in a nice sturdy tube. Bought a cheap frame for it and looks great on the wall. Hope the money gets well spent. Thanks.
  11. Excellent pics and story. Way to hang in there.
  12. Trip: West McMillian Spire - West Ridge Date: 8/22/2009 Trip Report: With an OK weather report Norman and I headed up Goodell creek trail. The steep section to tree line rewarded us with a bumper crop of blueberries. No views at all because of the clouds and when we got to Terror basin to camp the Pickets were hidden with clouds and fog. Plenty of water at this camp. No mountain house for dinner because the pump for the stove got left in the van. We slept late hoping the clouds would lift and after hopping on easy slabs for about an hour we finally reached the snow. Quick run across low angle snow to the steep snow finger. The snow was very hard and crampons were a must. Easy but loose rock climb to the summit with a little bit of exposure. Potterfield and Nelson description of the approach was a big help. The clouds broke and rewarded us to stellar views that brought smiles to our faces. A party of 3 followed us up and we descended together to keep from getting hit with loose rock. Spent another night to enjoy the views and beauty of the Pickets with a star filled night. Home Sweet Home Snowfinger Mt. Fury View to south from summit I found the register! Gear Notes: ice axe, crampons
  13. Great photos as usual. Black is a great climb. The exposure really keeps you on your toes.
  14. Exactly where is the trailhead to Terror Basin for West Mac Spire? Is it the campground across from the Visitors Center? I don't want to waste time looking for the trail. Nick.
  15. Nice report. Baker is such a cool volcano. I used to love riding the sno machines but hate seeing them in the high country up there.
  16. Our two man team made the summit on Sunday via Muir and Ingraham Direct route. Several teams ascended Gib Ledges and came down Ingraham. Heard reports of thigh deep snow up high but we found good snow and Ingraham Direct was in excellant shape. Couple of teams were carrying shoes but we left ours in the car. Clear skies but very windy on summit. We could see those huge slides humping back down the Muir snowfield.
  17. I like it. Ice climbing in downtown Bellingham. Reminds of pics in Climbing mag of ice covered farm silos in Iowa.
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