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Everything posted by whidbey

  1. and your kids and grandkids... get used to it.
  2. Oly... you just twisted... period!!
  3. this could be so fun...... but nope.. don't know of any.
  4. backup... backup.. run forest run...
  5. after the last elections... i'm not so sure.. i think we will get our head out of our asses I hope.... you on the other hand need to get back to what we liked about you..
  6. When he's dead and gone doing his for god stuff.. I hope his wife and kids feel good about it.
  7. never has a president been that I dislike more..... Stupid is as stupid does. History will prove him to be the worst and most simple/dumb minded president of all time. I'm interested to see what he has to say about perscription benifit plans this time around now that most states have bailed him out on that one... and I could go on and on about 60K trailers..... for fucks sakes america.. get a clue.
  8. The State of the Union on Tuesday should be interesting. Looking forward to more stupid pet tricks by the dipshit.
  9. wait till his next stunt ZimZam.. should take care of it.
  10. And lots of whidbey island wind... shit.
  11. GWB does so suck. If'n you can't fig'r it our already you get what you didn't fight against. So yes you do suck assssssssssssss.
  12. L0ngpause.... are you out of your fuc#in mind... wow... hat's off to ya if ya do..
  13. I'm sure I don't need to post past posts... be a man and admit you got bitched...
  14. The taste is sweeter now that your buying.
  15. John Frieh owes me big time... speak up John... beer beer and if'n i'm still hurgry..maybe a sausage... till that time you can eat crow
  16. Wow... not quite that bad... but i was onto something....
  17. I do believe John Frieh owes me a Sausage and a Beer! You lose the bet John!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. whidbey

    climbing girls

    now now... distrel32... you need to go suck some yak and report back..
  19. whidbey

    climbing girls

    The tip of my tongue will keep her going .. fuc# yeppers.
  20. crashpad with DD's.. now that is some fun watchin... either that or a nice giggle........... Hope all is good in Mongo land..
  21. I prefer DD's... if that doesn't work.. then I guess what works for what I'm climbing is best.
  22. Casio has a nice one at costco for something like 170 or so. It does everything and more at a fair price. it is a little big though. that part i'm not to crazy about.
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