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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Yeah, sometimes when there's no one else around, you have to do what you have to do.
  2. Right on, thank you. But I'm still--oh, nevermind.
  3. But we don't know, right? It's a great unknown. It could be better, it could be worse, it could be nothing.
  4. knotzen

    Is it too soon?

    Yessum, master. Oops!
  5. knotzen

    Is it too soon?

    I took the dog for a walk, went shopping, watched a movie, did laundry, drank half a bottle of wine, and I'm still bored. And it's only 7:39. I could clean the house, but I'm not THAT bored.
  6. knotzen

    Is it too soon?

    Aw, shit. Because I am, you know, bxxxd.
  7. knotzen

    Is it too soon?

    For another "I'm boooooored!" thread? Please advise.
  8. Thank you, Karl Rove. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/10/27/miers.nominations/index.html
  9. KaskadskyjKozak saying, "Yes! I agree with you! You are completely right"...
  10. Lunch isn't for another 13 minutes. Stay focused!!
  11. I just saw this. WTF?!? Besides, I prefer pasta. And clmbr_dude.
  12. Ooh, nice. This is my favorite.
  13. My pup, Chase: With wicked green eyes.
  14. You're a chef at the NCI, and you live right there, at Diablo?!? I'm going to have to kidnap you and assume your identity.
  15. I'm with you, rhyang--the issue is having respect for your climbing partner and their gear, no matter what piece is missing, or how many. I would certainly want and expect a reply that showed some level of respect for y'all. "Shit happens" wouldn't work for me.
  16. "As cheerleaders fly higher, injury rates rise and some falls are crippling, even fatal." Amazing! Who would have thought.
  17. I love that picture. I hope people keep posting it. Over and over and over and over and ... again.
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