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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. "A good man knows what is important in life: his woman and his beer."
  2. I've always thought July 17th was a GOOD date, regardless of where you live.
  3. Is that guy carrying his helmet on his harness??
  4. I may have to steal this guy's spot on the corner:
  5. I was just kidding, Bike Guy. I am planning to go. I quit my sucky job today, so I am in the mood for delusions, washed down with a pint. I'm nowhere near the queen of spray (although I can be a little bit knotty)--my post count is too low for that. I just do the grunt work.
  6. Thank the gods, it's not in deepest, darkest Ballard.
  7. Oh, I forgot I have to stay home and Google tonight. Darn. Besides which, I wouldn't want to despoil anyone's delusions.
  8. I saw a bunch of those on Google.
  9. Ouch! That's one of my best shots! I feel so...feminine...in that picture. It's like it's the real me, finally, shining through.
  10. Although I could always post a link... But nah, I wouldn't want to despoil anyone else's innocence. I shall suffer alone.
  11. Hey, I just stumbled across it. I couldn't help it until it was too late!
  12. I've been wondering all week...is the guy in the ad Olyclimber?
  13. As a side note: Holy crap! I just discovered you can adjust your filter settings in Google images, and it's like a pornocopia of...body parts. Live ones. Heck, who'd be stupid enough to pay, when you've got a friend like Google?!
  14. knotzen

    I like beards

    Don't TALK to me that way. Besides which, ewwww.
  15. One of my better pix (post-op): I've always wanted to eat M&Ms off a guy! This could be fun.
  16. knotzen

    I like beards

    The only kinds of beards I like are the shaved-off kind. Otherwise, they're all scratchy and shit.
  17. "The better to spear you with, my dear," said the salad fork to the asparagus.
  18. So, should I assume I can talk someone into climbing a measly, humilating, mind-fucking mid-5th class route or three with me? Or should I stay home and knit? Or, maybe I go, and bring a stack of 20s in case I have to do some bribing.
  19. Um, the name? And there's no such thing as a rhetorical question. Am I right or am I right?
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