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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Oh well, guess you had to be there...
  2. The places I could go with this...
  3. P.S. The first person to do an eyeroll gets deleted.
  4. You beat-him-off with it. Our favorite wordsmith strikes again.
  5. Check out an excerpt from Scooter Libby's 1996 book: "At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest." Sick mofo. http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2005/11/what-hell-is-wrong-with-conservatives.html
  6. knotzen


    What does that mean? It means Georgie's numbers have dropped again in the polls.
  7. knotzen

    Hey Ladies

    Minx is as bad as the best of 'em.
  8. knotzen

    Hey Ladies

    Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
  9. knotzen

    Hey Ladies

    Is that located near the uvula?
  10. He ain't lyin': Stevens Pass Web Cam
  11. Now, how do you know I wasn't having hot wild sex with 6 Latinos and a Jewess, and I had to take a break or die from exhaustion, and I hopped onto cc.com with some Halloween Jokes minutes before being pulled back into the melee of bodies and whips and chains and Cheese Whiz? Huh?!? You don't know, that's how. Goes to show, you just never know.
  12. knotzen

    What did I miss?

    But whoooo did we miss? That's right! YOU!!
  13. From the article: "Neighbors at the Everett apartment where Roger Jung lives haven't seen him for about a month. His mail piled up uncollected. His emergency contact was his parents, Jim and Gail Jung of Kirkland. Because of tenant rights issues, they haven't been allowed inside their son's apartment to look for something that may aid the search, Jim Jung said." This surprises me. It's a good idea for those of us who are single and renting to notify our landlords to give access to friends and family in the event of an unexplained absence, and/or give house keys to someone we trust. I think if I were his family, I would risk a breaking and entering charge to look for clues he might have left to his plans when he last left home, in order to save his life, if that is what's at stake. I hope he is OK and is found soon.
  14. We have a winner! I'll save it for ya; maybe we can hook up soon at a Pub Club, or Stone Gardens or somethin'.
  15. I like dark beers and I've been known to give out a punishing now and again. Oh, yeah???
  16. I tend to go for lighter beers--pale ales and wheats, especially. I didn't know Snowcap was a dark beer; it was too strong for me. I had a similar experience with Guinness recently--bought a Costco 9-pack and ended up giving it away. Maybe this time I'll learn to stick with what I know I like (with beer, anyway).
  17. I bought a six-pack of Snowcap, because y'all rave on it...and I didn't like it! I actually poured the bottle down the drain after two sips. I don't know if I can even call myself a climber after this humiliating incident. I may have to be excommunicated from this fine community of hard-person beer connoisseurs. Or punished. (Meanwhile, anyone with a taste for Snowcap, swing by Issyquah for a free fiver.)
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