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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. She knew you'd be looking at her picture.
  2. knotzen

    Men/X > Gary

    Math is hard! Let's go shopping! LOL.
  3. I like the ruby slippers of the pourer...
  4. knotzen

    Men/X > Gary

    Dude, don't go there.
  5. The book that got me interested in climbing, almost 20 years ago, was "Annapurna," by Maurice Herzog. I have no idea why, but my Dad had a copy on the bookshelf, and I picked it up and read it. After that, I read every book about climbing I could find. (And started climbing.)
  6. Maybe I need to drink a little less, too.
  7. Hey, how'd you get my picture?!?
  8. Hmm Yeaa (Ooh Ooh) City Lights It's on tonight Yea Yea (ooh ooh ooh ohh yea) Out on the street, I'm looking for a celebration Come roll with me, together we can crash the party and Get on the floor, DJ please play my song And we can do this all night long Once again, it is on I'm on a high I feel like I'm on medication I'm open wide, and we don't need no complications Cause I feel alright And all I see is red lights, and blue lights, and street lights And it's real life, is that a sign
  9. knotzen

    Men over X

    I've read that somewhere before...
  10. knotzen

    Men over X

    Sounds good to me!! I didn't mean it that way... Not that I am that short or underpaid... Sure, we know what you mean Toady, sure.
  11. knotzen

    Men over X

    How about a short overpaid guy with a hot tongue. Whose good at math. Math?!? Math is hard!! LOL!!
  12. I wonder if Gary's brain is visible from space?
  13. knotzen

    Men over X

    Unless you'd rather have Gary. That would be OK, too.
  14. knotzen

    Men over X

    Hey, can we forget Gary for a minute, and get back to short, underpaid guys with hot tongues? Think we can do that? Huh? THANK you! Now, where were we...
  15. knotzen

    Men over X

    I'm feeling with this thread.
  16. knotzen

    for Knotzen

    that is a crappy idea. when i started wanting to climb i weight 210 pounds. so i started walking in my house. then i started walking outside then i went hiking then when i was 170 (I am 5'5" tall so this is quite over weght for me) i started climbin. I watch what i eat. i exercise as often as i can, I shoot for about 4 times a week. i try to not eat total garbage andi climb. i wieghd 210 in 1998 now in 2005 i maintian at 130 because i litteraly work my ass off at it. my adivse is to get some counseling. deal with who you are not what you look like. once you love yourself your and treat your body well it will treat you well. I am sorry if this sound harsh but i am fucking sick and tierd of people wanting being fit to be easy like taking a pill. that is jack shit. treat yourself like you are your own child. take care of you and love you. end rant/ I was totally joking about liposuction. You're right, of course. Thanks for the example, Muff.
  17. Make sure you hit Issacraw tomorrow morning around 8:30. We have a great bit of traffic--you'll <heart> it!
  18. knotzen

    Men over X

    But seriously, CBS thinks we're after his ? Puh-leaze! JosephH has it right.
  19. knotzen

    Men over X

    Whoa, dude. You're sounding like Dechristo! Talk plain English, yo. No, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be listening to her breathing and stroking her thighs while your lips, tongue, mouth, nose, and hands are otherwised occupied driving her over the rapidly vibrating edge of a sensual meltdown... Oh my goshhhh... sigh. Now there's a real man.
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