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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. Oh no, Toadie, do you think they're on to us?!?
  2. I'm turning 40 next spring. I'm not ready to be 40!
  3. Um, not what I was expecting.
  4. (Pssst...I think whidbey is drunk tonight.)
  5. I quickly decided "no". Thank you for making me unlonesome! I help where I can.
  6. That Elvis picture? It's really me. Glad you find me attractive, big guy.
  7. Why whine when you can wine?
  8. Guess you won't go for old camel toes, then.
  9. Fuck the red X! Wish there was a way to verify a pic will post properly.
  10. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    That cracks me up every time I look at it.
  11. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    kind of like Spiderman, only slimy
  12. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    You're an amphibian.
  13. Wearing a helmet isn't hindsight; it's foresight.
  14. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    So what does separate the men from the boys?
  15. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    how cannibalistic of you
  16. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    You boys! I mean...men?
  17. knotzen

    yeah, baby

    <-- All woman, yeah baby, that's me. Hoo-ha. (small pleasures for small minds )
  18. knotzen

    Worst Haircut Ever?

    It looks like knotzen's brother is attempting to squelch a fart. He's been that way most of his life.
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