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Everything posted by TREETOAD

  1. they are all a pain in the ass to make. of those three, holubci (cabbage rolls) are the easiest. I know that is why I miss my mom
  2. Ah but so tasty. Cabbage rolls, perogies, ... I'm hungry and I miss my mom
  3. Hmmmm....Tell me more about this rope up thingy
  4. Sorry I didn't read the no spice rule..you could leave them out, we used to have boiled ground beef with onions and peas, when we were kids at the mercy of my mom's rationing techniques. It beats shit on a shingle.
  5. How about Hummers as civilian vehicle
  6. also borscht is good and it is cheap as ... oh
  7. 1 or two medium onions two or three cloves of garlic 1 lb of ground beef Two cans of red kidney beans 19 oz 1 can of whole tomatoes 24oz Cook this stuff up until the meat is pretty brown and then add this stuff two or three or more tablespoons of cumin a whole pile of chili powder two or three tablespoons of oregano some vegtable oil let is simmer for about half an hour you can also toss in a can af corn for texture (later that night)if you like This is a very good simple chilli recipe that you can add tomato sauce to the next night for spaghetti.
  8. Certainly the potential in myself, I know what I am capable of, but also in all humans, especially in desparate situations. We (humankind) has, over the ages shown some brilliance in civilization but there is always something to come along and dash our hopes. We always seem to be dancing on the edge, and with each foray into the nightmares of war we seem to bring the edge closer. When our young are exposed to these horrors it makes it that much easier to step over the next time. For the most part I agree with your comment about consumerism and that we barely have time to look up from stuffing our egos with consumer electronics or whatever fancies us at the time that we can't cope with what is going on in the real world. Nor do we give a fat rats ass.
  9. i got a new puppy
  10. You may be right about the intent and in their minds at the time they may want it to be a brief stop over but most of the time there are not many brief stopover's in the mind, maybe justifications but I am afraid that this sort of thing doesn't go away with a plane ride to another place. What they bring home with them though, is a big piece of what happens to them there. How they react to it later in life is another matter. These are just young impressionable kids, barely finished growning up. I am not saying that they are going to be psychopathic when they return but what they do return as, is definately something to worry about. I hope that they are able to find the help that they need when the time comes.
  11. Just remeber the fucked up soldiers that are going to return home and the fucked up generations that they will spawn. When you can yawn in the face of this sort of thing you better take a look around you boy, cause you are chest deep in shit. These guys are going to come home and live on your block, just around the corner from your childrens schools etc. What do you think they are going to do when they get bored. I have seen some gruesome things in my life and I can tell you the faces and sounds and smells haunt you for a long long time. One thing I have learned is that death walks behind you. So you better cherish life, not just yours but all life. We are living on a spaceship here, all by ourselves and there isn't much room for that kind of thinking.
  12. Cool story, I don't know a lot about my grandparents except that my grandpa was in the first world war at 19 and that he was a machinegunner in the Royal Fusiliers. Most of his unit was wiped out in one go and he was shot right through from on side to the other just above his left hip. He dragged himself back to his trench and managed to live through it. He showed me the scar once when I was about ten and it was pretty ugly. He was married after the war and after about ten tears of marriage and four kids got divorced. My grandma was a bit of a tart apparently. She moved to Victoria in the late fourties following my aunty who was a war bride. My Grandpa followed her out here but she married another fellow after that. He was heart broken and never married again. Ain't that the way. My parents moved to Vancouver Island after living through the blitzkrieg. As my dad was a radio and radar tech in the airforce during the war he decided to go into electronics and radio repair here. My mom worked in a factory in the war operating a huge lathe making spitfire prop assemblies and she also was on a fire squad during the bombing of london. I think she was around 18 years old and she saw some really bad shit. I guess living throught he was made her very thrifty as well and as kids were often exposed to the rationing mentality. When they moved to Port Alberni in 1949 it was very much a frontier town about as far west as you can get and a rough logging town. We have some very good stories of some really wild characters that found their way from all over the world to one of the richest parts of north america at the time.
  13. Where did they come from? What did they do during the war? What did they do for a living? Whatever?
  14. What has happened down here is the wind have changed Clouds roll in from the north and it started to rain Rained real hard and rained for a real long time Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline The river rose all day The river rose all night Some people got lost in the flood Some people got away alright The river have busted through cleard down to Plaquemines Six feet of water in the streets of Evangelne CHORUS Louisiana, Louisiana They're tyrin' to wash us away They're tryin' to wash us away Louisiana, Louisiana They're tryin' to wash us away They're tryin' to wash us away President Coolidge came down in a railroad train With a little fat man with a note-pad in his hand The President say, Little fat man isn't it a shame what the river has done To this poor crackers land.
  15. Do you have a wok?
  16. I got a new puppy
  17. I love Tyler Durden
  18. I have seen many people at the front doors to our hospital sitting outside in the pouring rain and cold winds, dressed in hospital gowns and slippers with I.V. pumps and who knows what else hanging from I.V. poles sucking back cigarettes as if smoking was a cure for cancer. Maybe darwin is at work here. Every one knows someone that just seems to be predisposed to addiction to just about anything and maybe there is nothing to be done for those people but the fact that the companies have targeted young people specifically and have made cigarettes so addictive leads me to think that they deserve to be sued and maybe put out of business.
  19. How about the Hubbell telescope
  20. What if they made a cigarette that killed you right away? Or perhaps there could be some way of keeping track of how much a person imbibes consumer products that are harmfull to their health and then when the time comes that they show up at the emergency ward with heart problems or respiratory ailments they would either have to go to the bottom of the surgical list or even pay for their own surgery.

    New Poop Thread

    might make someone a nice necklace
  22. http://www.cbc.ca/story/business/national/2005/09/30/tobacco_Friday20050930.html
  23. Just had to lighten things up some
  24. Not yet, but it is boneless

    That's rich

    Wow you sure know how to stir up the shit girl
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