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About Kit

  • Birthday 03/31/1977


  • Location
    Mt Vernon

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  1. In the mid 90s I bought a can of carpet freshener with shuksan on it. WTF. A couple of years later i moved to Arizona and low and behold in the wal mart was a cheapo large framed photo of Der shukhorn... I immediately bought it. It was the nicest thing in my apartment at the time.
  2. Wow Where is that first shot??
  3. Holy moly. Thank you for sharing this. I am impressed at your perseverance! We saw your car left overnight at hannegan picnic area and wondered "I wonder where the heck they are camping?" Little did we know, you guys were on a "memorable" trip.
  4. Awesome photos! Way to go pick that plum fellas!
  5. Another trip full of great memories, even if it didn't go according to plan. Or maybe because it didn't go according to plan? Forever indebted to you for taking the shitbull by the horns. Awesome photos and write up!
  6. The only thing worse than going on a trip with Jason... Is not going on a trip with Jason. I wish I could've played hooky. Fantastic photos and great write up.
  7. Rad. You have upped your photography game and we are happy beneficiaries. Some really amazing shots here. Congrats on another sweet trip.
  8. I lost my watch today on the Heliotrope trail approaching Coleman/Deming route. Its a Casio ProTrek. I may have set it down near the top of the trail on the moraine at ~5600' when I put on sunscreen? If you found it or know someone who did, I'll make up for it in beer/wine/whiskey/cofffee/etc. Thanks!
  9. I'll get over the ski pole, emotionally. But not yet. These characteristic megafauna can only be dealt with on an emotional level. Kind of like those horrible, evil feral horses. I think there is still lingering controversy about whether the sahale bear photo was a griz. But if they do occasionally range into the cascades already, I think that would be a strong argument against reintroduction. Let's focus instead on habitat improvement, habitat conservation, and habitat connectivity. Then let's deal with the hundreds (thousands?) of miles of unfunded road maintenance on federal land in the Washington cascades that threatens T&E fish. Then let's try to improve the wildlife/landowner conflict surrounding the Nooksack herd. Then let's figure out and finally ban the chemicals that are killing off all of our amphibians and honey bees. Lots of things on the to do list first.
  10. Let's spend money on correcting a hairbrained introduction of non native goats into the Olympics before we spend a bunch of money reintroducing griz to North Cascades. I think it's a nice notion but there are many, many things that should take priority.
  11. Nope, no different. Marmots that steal bags, ravens that steal windshield wipers, snaffles that steal sleep and anything they can carry, raccoons and bears that raid trash, and goats that steal souls. Assholes are the same no matter which state they live. I'd know; I've lived in several.
  12. Soon we will have a Devo quorum. Resistance is futile.
  13. Awesome photos Jason!!! A thoroughly enjoyable weekend with fantastic company. Thanks to you both. I can't recommend the route though. With 21st Century smog, the views were not as expansive as advertised. The trail is too switchbacked. And the goats. They are assholes. Also, if anyone found a single trekking pole on the South Brother, please shoot the goat. Thanks.
  14. Awesome work fellas! I bet your ski bases are in better shape than mine for it!
  15. For sale $675 La Sportiva Hi5 Size 188 skis, includes the following: -Dynafit TLT Speed Radical Bindings -Black Diamond Glidelite Mohair/Nylon Mix STS 100mm skins -Your choice of either standard Dynafit leashes or the B&D leashes shown in photos This ski/binding combo comes in at an amazingly light 5 lbs each. The bindings are currently mounted for a 322mm boot sole (fits my Scarpa Maestrale size 28.5). This is a very good superlight powder touring setup. They have a big tip rocker profile but the stability and backcountry utility of a flat tail. There are a few cc.com'ers that can attest to how much better I skied in powder and crud on these than other boards with less tip rocker - they are very forgiving in those conditions! I purchased in December from Marmot Mountain Works in Bellevue. I have skied them in-bounds two days and in the backcountry 3 or 4 days. I love them in powder, but the rest of my quiver can meet my needs and I need to thin the herd at the moment. In Mount Vernon. PM if interested. See Coldthistle review here and Wildsnow review here
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