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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. Cobra_Commander


    German beer guts and speedos seem to have some odd gravitational attraction to each other near open bodies of water. This attractive force is conteracted by a strong repulsion of all objects around. In Nature, there is always balance.
  2. Was he short roped to his seat by the usher? was the largest sized tri-cam visible?
  3. I see this has developed nicely since I've been away. I am the walrus
  4. If you have the mental capacity of a drunken walrus, then yes, it would appear as comedic genius. However, if you happen to have opposable thumbs and don't eat out of a trough, you would appreciate what I have been posting.
  5. Why are you posting that in english you ingrate? The sheer number of vowels alone sours the mental palate.
  6. Or knew the individual names and life histories of every ewok
  7. did you lose that spreadsheet of login/passwords again?
  8. as if you don't know that stuff anyway. but you just translated binary into hex so maybe you were busy watching the original star trek
  9. I'd say something in cyrillic or cantonese now but I'm not worldly or smart enough.
  10. Speaking in a language that maybe 2 people know or even care about on this site. How worldly of you!
  11. what would KadskskskygygskyKskjk do?
  12. that is when you cut your losses and sleep in the shower
  13. touché... oh wait shit I need to think of something monolingual and myopic to say. I think you have the parody bit covered nicely. ...and it is "monolingual", rather than "monolinugal" (or is that one of those foreign language thingies I am glossing over in my cultural ignorance?) in summary, piss off.
  14. no no this guy's legit! can't you tell by the frequent foreign language posts?
  15. read: anxiously reloading the page
  16. I remember that, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Almost as bad as the infamous nipple slip from "The Battle for Greyskull" (season 2 I believe?)
  17. wait, let me clear the vomit from my keyboard
  18. an improbable scenario.
  19. how about strawberry shortcake on meth vs. the carebears on a 12hr crack binge? I say shortcake in the 5th when the carebears start tweaking
  20. Gobots = richard simmons of transformers
  21. quit changing the subject with your fairy cartoons, we're talking serious robot vs. soldier shit here. almost as bad as dru this guy is.
  22. cause you posted to it BWAHAHAHA Regarding the Constructicons: I totally agree unionized labor can be a pain, and that one guy who turns into a backhoe (I believe he is the right arm of Devastator?) is always bitching about RSI, threatening to sue. They are also decked out in a pansy neon green which pretty much negates any usefulness.
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