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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. heathcliff
  2. you guys need some new material
  3. nice try sicko.
  4. f'ing Smith. I hate the scene there.
  5. you are really attracted to a guy who has an ass on the back of his head?
  6. Please, please don't.
  7. Pourquoi parlez-vous en français ? Vous devriez savoir que je suis un homme du monde, and I bet your jockstrap consists of a peanut shell and rubberband.
  8. Hmmm who told you this? It's difficult to command one's cobra when one's cobra is not inspired.
  9. I commanded cobras but did not run over any of them.
  10. Isn't there some written test to climb with NOLS alums?
  11. I heard that. It's Mr. Grammar to you. Perhaps you could get a lesson or two from Miss Manners. The comma is an unnecessary addition to your sentence by the way.
  12. ruMr the poet laureate
  13. furry usb device
  14. well how about that
  15. you get in trouble for laughing at work? Sounds like a blast.
  16. I will too in approximately 5 minutes
  17. Grammar
  18. zingers, as chaps would say, are more effective with correct syntax and vocabulary.
  19. sometimes the resizing doesn't work so well. For example selkirk's image of an orangutan is barely recognizable.
  20. what do they do at these jamborees? I hear they raise a lot of tents
  21. yes, near the bottom. for some reason they spelled mine zcobra_commander
  22. I could be wrong, but I believe that's Jamboree
  23. thanks for the update
  24. I was referring to archenemy wearing sunglasses at night, you goat. Not referring to your ugly mug.
  25. don't listen to this goon.
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