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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Chris Broderick is the guitarist for Megadeath. [video:youtube] Its an older video but Paul Gilbert shreds with passion. He is simply one of the best around. [video:youtube]
  2. Who the F thinks this way? I have no evidence you think at all. Yawn....
  3. Who the F thinks this way? You do. To exemplify your problems you forgot the symbol in your post. Thanks for telling how I think.....
  4. No I actually meant Patty. Patty!
  5. How does does a web site "look credible"?
  6. You are, as usual, too dumb to get my point. Your news source is not credible. It is the Washington Times, the newspaper founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. It is just as likely to print an article claiming that purple unicorns fly out of Barack Obama's butt at midnight on Friday the 13th. In short, the article is made up. hahahahahahahahaha........LOL....who is too dumb now.... A credible news source. No such thing. Believe what you want to believe. hahahahahahah Let me guess, you have "credible" news sources right? Kindly tell me which ones they are so I can be well informed like you. lol
  7. What does the link have to do with Ron Paul?
  8. Nice spray guys. Anyone bold enough to comment on the original topic?
  9. It is no different that quoting just one person. I recommend paste and copying all you need from each post you are quoting onto a word document. Then format it the way you want the paste it back into your original post and walla!
  10. Who would actually consent to wearing this?
  11. Oh my! http://www.washingtontimes.com/weblogs/aviation-security/2008/Jul/01/want-some-torture-with-your-peanuts/ This bracelet would: • Take the place of an airline boarding pass • Contain personal information about the traveler • Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage • Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes
  12. Welcome to the guitar thread CW...... I just spent 8 hours in the studio yesterday recording nylon string guitar jams. I have to find a way to post some on this site.
  13. The south face of Beacon Rock will be closing soon.
  14. Not me. I dont like to be cold....so I never got into mountaineering.
  15. kevbone

    Gitmo nightmare

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/opinion/sunday/my-guantanamo-nightmare.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all ON Wednesday, America’s detention camp at Guantánamo Bay will have been open for 10 years. For seven of them, I was held there without explanation or charge. During that time my daughters grew up without me. They were toddlers when I was imprisoned, and were never allowed to visit or speak to me by phone. Most of their letters were returned as “undeliverable,” and the few that I received were so thoroughly and thoughtlessly censored that their messages of love and support were lost.
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