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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Dang....where was my B-day thread last Friday......
  2. Then the Dems continue to fund these wars.
  3. http://nichewine.blogspot.com/ Hi everyone. I thought I throw it out there that I am playing this Sat (3/24) night from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Niche. It is a very neat wine bar in down town Vancouver. The atmosphere is warm and inviting. The sound is fabulous for live music. I hope to see all your smiling faces. Feel free to forward this to anyone who might enjoy a night out. Kevin
  4. LOL! Probably in a damn text, too. Biotch. nah, even today the two of us share a cell phone and hardly ever use it - fucking luddites! Good God how does one survive without a cell phone?
  5. No way....if you hike your butt all the way out to this climb....please do the second pitch and walk off.
  6. FAIL!!! The trouble with spanking is it shows your child that to solve a problem you use violence.
  7. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Er.... Ron Paul IS the status quo. Useless posturing. All the other candidates (Obama, Newt, Mitt and Rick) want and will continue the current occupations. Ron Paul will not. How is that the status Quo?
  8. I hear you. I was only correcting another persons post to accurately reflect our current situation. To me that is a very important piece of the puzzle. To call it war is to continue the brainwashing. IMO. And to say that AK has more perspective is wrong. He has a different perspective. One that I respect but very different.
  9. STFU Kev. Mire the topic in semantics. Really productive. Quit being such a flaming asshat. Mire the topic in semantics? Sorry if the truth hurts
  10. Pretty quite in this forum lately.
  11. Congress doesn't have the balls to declare war, they might lose votes. They'd rather just give a blank check to the Executive Office and let him take the blame. Fucking wankers. Like Ron Paul did for Afghanistan when he gave a blank check to GW? Yes....just like that.
  12. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Paul will bring ALL the troops home. Obama, Newt, Mitt and Rich will not. To me that is very different. And no I am not high.
  13. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    If by different you mean no more occupations, not to shred the constitution, move away from fascism, bring all the troops home, have sound money backed up by gold and a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.....then yes. Anything else is continuing down the same path. Which is what Obama, Newt, Mitt and Rick will do.
  14. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    Instead of telling me why my candidate is wrong....why dont you tell me who to vote for that will do something different than the status quo.
  15. I don't remember congress declaring war on anyone. So really we are occupying. At the very least get that straight. And yes there is no end in sight and it is very much a tragedy.
  16. It appears we might be heading out to Broughtons next Friday rain or shine. Come on out and enjoy the fine Oregon spring weather.
  17. Broughtons is the place for a guaranteed day of climbing in the rain. The Red Wall boasts several climbs that can be climbed in a downpour.
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