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Everything posted by underworld

  1. What do you mean by "religious"? Do I have friends who carry personal beliefs about their origin and have spirituality? Everyone I know, myself included, have that. Do I have friends who go to church and center their life around organized religion? Not really, and it's no accident why. There's a tangible barrier; you can feel the judgment seething out of them even if they never verbalize it. Every conversation drops out some little jab about "getting your life in order" or somesuch as if I projected any sort of discord and was seeking their advice. And you know what Underworld? I'm happy for them. I respect the fact that religion gives them structure and comfort, and they can have it. I wouldn't pretend to suggest that government, media, or the social structure in general attempt to stifle people's religious beliefs. But if Christians, Muslims, or whoever, is going to bring up the issue with me, uninvited, then I'm free to tell them what I think of their system all the same and suggest that they alter the way they view others. And that's only a suggestion. You can take it or leave it. Most of them won't listen long enough to consider it, let alone take it, or leave it. fair enough. religion, as it is in this thread, is a talkig point. people bring it up as conversation a lot of the time and unfortunatly some put up a big defensive wall to make sure there are no attempts at converting. kind of a knee-jerk reaction. i grew up going to church every sunday (and then some)...i don't so much anymore, but i certainly like to talk about religion just as i like to talk about politics. in neither case do i try and convert. i get just as annoyed by those that do - both in religion and in politics.
  2. your world makes my child think that moms kill real live babies before they are born. i don't like you forcing your beliefs on me.
  3. you don't have many friends that are religious, do you?
  4. wrong! SOME do...but don't generalize! typically, what you see on tv evangalists and the like are folks preaching to those that already 'believe'. also, what you might be using as your basis is the door to door types (LDS for instance) which is again NOT the majority of religious people. what you need to see is that they are doing what they are thinking is right. it is part of their belief system to spread what they believe to be the way to salvation. or, the way to a good life. much like environmentalists (or other interest groups) feel it necessary to spread the word of their cause. personally, the door-to-door types aren't so bothersome and will leave you alone if you ask them to. i can imagine a lot worse types knocking on my door. can you blame them for doing what they believe is the right thing to do. what harm are they doing to the world?
  5. i see it as moral relativism... and i don't see the beauty in it. it's cafeteria morality. ...and we know nothing good comes out of cafeterias
  6. KK...you forget you're arguing w/ folks that are condemning circumsision but are ok w/ killing the same kid a few months younger. maybe if there was prenatal circumsicions - then it would be the woman doing it to her 'own body' and it would be ok, right?
  7. *BUMP* anywone at VW seattle tonight, can get it for a gatorade and twix bar... ($2)
  8. well, at least they are doing their part by not bathing.
  9. is the the number of people or the percentage of people...(see overpopulation argument)
  10. irrigate WA state crops during the summer & fall, provide continuous water for an ever-growing population, etc. The ramifications of losing our glaciers really suck any way you look at it. More huge reservoirs/dams will be needed, and that will only help if the precipitation keeps up the pace. conservation of mass... the world will always have the same amount of water. whether it is stored as ice or stored as water or stored as gas - we'll find a way to use it. humans have always found a way. And that's why there are no water shortages anywhere in the world, right. Because we are so good at making do well the 'making do' might not be representative of some of the shortages, but is does indicate the overall trend. else we would be dead, but instead i keep hearing that we are overpopulated.
  11. "a simple electrochemical reaction will split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. combustion of a hydrocarbon and oxygen generates water. water is not conserved, only the mass/energy contained in it. " right...it's always there in some form
  12. irrigate WA state crops during the summer & fall, provide continuous water for an ever-growing population, etc. The ramifications of losing our glaciers really suck any way you look at it. More huge reservoirs/dams will be needed, and that will only help if the precipitation keeps up the pace. conservation of mass... the world will always have the same amount of water. whether it is stored as ice or stored as water or stored as gas - we'll find a way to use it. humans have always found a way.
  13. we hear about the costs of doing nothing all the time. that's my point - it's the only cost reported.
  14. yeah, for us... i mean, we can think back to the good ol days like our grandpas did/do. but there will always be something to enjoy - with the right attitude, that is.
  15. right, but people lose sight of the 'estimate' part and try and hardline it as fact. that such-and-such will be underwater by year 2xxx.
  16. i've never said we don't need to change anything. whether it is agreed that it is human induced or not - i agree that clean air is better than dirty air and we should take steps accordingly. my beef, not so much with this article, is that we don't much get to hear the other side of the story. we hear about the 'cure-alls' and some bandaids as well...but rarely do we hear what the costs of those actually are. what is happening to the glaciers - so, yeah, i can't argue (based on what is reported) that the significant trend of the earths glaciers is that they are declining in size (whatever parameter you choose). what this means for human life as we know it...geeez who knows. i doubt it is as doom and gloom as it is reported.
  17. LOTR the quote says it is not representative, yet it is a reliable indication... wtf does that mean??
  18. well, this says it all: err...or it says nothing
  19. underworld

    Suck weekend

    it's just more of the cc.com'ers saying "i'm a victim" ...typical...
  20. gotta know someone that knows someone... it's the only way!
  21. underworld

    Suck weekend

    saturday - worlds biggest z-clip.... ...short-fixed city park at the intermediate anchor to test the system and suss the solo routine. barely made it to the top anchor. halfway up we realized i clustered and had a loop going from me thru the intermediate anchor and back up to me. it reached.
  22. substitute 'angry left' for 'neocon' and 'democrat' for 'rightwing' if you can't accept that those substitutions make sense, maybe not agree with - but at least accept the possibility... then you are very blind to reality. [note - my point isn't to get at who is right or wrong in this argument, rather, to say that your rhetoric is self defeating]
  23. brand new reversino - still in box. $10 local only please (seattle)
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