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Everything posted by kenp

  1. pm sent
  2. it's 'bout hunting season again. Black powder now, and modern firearm mid-Oct. between hunters and shroomers, I'm surprised the trails aren't packed down to the dirt. Anyway, that is a cool scramble, I dropped a snowshoe at the pass about 20 years ago, I still miss it something awful
  3. I think she listens to that Chinese weather guru; Usually Wong
  4. Sorry, I have to pull the plug, wife predicts rain so that's that.
  5. PM has been sent!
  6. I have an 8 yo boy that thinks he's all that. If I can get him off the skateboard long enough, I'd love to meet you all there and have some fun 2 adults, 1 rock monkey
  7. I saw a doe while coming down the trail that had several large, gaping wounds that had to be claw marks on her rump...I assumed a cougar...but I've never seen any signs of cats bigger than bobcats up there. Don't know if a bear would attack a full grown deer. Gothic Basin is almost as cool as Glaicer Basin
  8. Beckey route is fun but that gully! yikes SEWS has an easy approach and fun routes. When do the larch trees start turning color, late Sept? almost sur-real up there
  9. Nice bivy spot! great eye candy too
  10. ok, let me know if the other dude doesn't come through
  11. Have you had any offers? would you consider trading for my sister? seriously tho, I am interested
  12. kenp

    I need a beer.

    I just bought a kegerator...promptly fitted a full size Red hook blonde ale into it and have been having very enjoyable evenings for the past week.
  13. 2 years ago, hiking down from Buck mountian I just happened to look up and see what appeared to be a younger cougar trotting up the trail....it was light brown & I thought it was kinda spotty but no way was it a bobcat. It had a long tail. I'd guess it was around 50 pounds...big dog size anyway. I stopped and it didn't notice me until it was perhaps 30 feet away. As soon as it saw me, it turned and was gone within a few seconds..never saw or heard a thing after that.
  14. mountain loop hwy! Mt. Forgotten, Del Campo, Vesper...many class 3 & 4 scrambles
  15. Keith, I sent you a PM
  16. Spray I guess, I think it's less censured.
  17. WTF. I miss the days when you could climb a hill just because. I was opposed to buying one in the first place, so that's $30 the park gets for nothing. I know this isn't the forum to bitch about it so I shut up..for now
  18. through 12/31/06
  19. ok, ok did I mention this was an UNSIGNED pass? I'll take what I can get for the damn thing... c'mon, you know you want it
  20. I wuz just there on Sunday, around 11 am...eating cherries and walked up to the fault area...didn't see your shoe or your little friend. I tell the wife the place is covered with snakes and littered with lost gear...but can I find either to prove to her NOOOOOOOO
  21. I am unable to make my trip to the big R this year and have one individual climbing pass. Cost me $30, will cost you $25 (that kind of savings will almost buy you a 6-pac)
  22. PM sent on Chouniard ice hammer
  23. do you need to be pres-tent to win?
  24. The Icicle & Wenatchee rivers are still way high, not much yet in ways of sandy beaches! Head to Icicle, there is many family friendly areas to camp and it's warm there.
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