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Everything posted by kix

  1. kix


    never ever disagree with me. and what does that have to do with HU giving out big bear hugs to corporate executives?
  2. kix


    I found it quite odd to see him giving big embrace hugs at the boeing plant yesterday. very chummy. bet bush does not get one.
  3. kix

    bouldering rulz!

    if he showed up in my area I would Regulate his ass back to the sport routes in a half a second. and take his pad away for gross misconduct.
  4. kix


    clearly, but no need to be so coy, 420 is a day for conspicuous celebration and combustible consumption. tho I think my office co-workers are currently complaining to security, but that just may be the paranoia kicking in.
  5. who feels sorry for him? I admire his 'will and courage' to make such a bold personal statement on behalf of his countrymen. However, I dont admire his 'choice' of statement. Things must be dire if citizens are moved to such extreme actions. I feel sorry for his family.
  6. kix


    ahem. 420 = Bud Club.
  7. kix

    Icicle Blodering

    gonna go postal? are ya huh? are yah? huh? dooooo eeeettt
  8. kix

    Icicle Blodering

    mtn home boulders are really good. great rock. sweet view. I like every area in the icicle. forestland above barneys rubble has a good variety. good ones up slope above 8 mile rock too. mad meadows area is very good. the shield. many areas. get a leavenworth bouldering guide to help you with mile markers for the various areas. they should have them at leavenworth mountain sports or PM me if you prefer and I will send you a cheatsheet of mile markers.
  9. kix


    blaspheming infidels.
  10. probably not that amusing if you had a firsthand encounter with the subject.
  11. PAGE DOMINATION!!!! a worthy pursuit.
  12. kix


    well, if I am bouldering near a lake or river, it would typically mean 'fish on'. However, in the parlance of street slang, tight = cool, good, badass, awesome, favorable, sooper dooper. when I use it, it means fucking brilliant powerful lines that will make you weep, shortest distance between start and finish stuff, no traversing, no rope clipping or hangdog dabbing and no whipping, pendulum swinging or faggoty french footwork. you know, 100% pure manly stuff.
  13. kix


    if by lackadaisical and decrepit you mean hot chicks, tight lines and sick power moves, then yes, I agree.
  14. kix


    I thought this place was already devoted to alpine guys?
  15. kix


    bouldering. or is the power just too intimidating for this place?
  16. I started a garden, planted some seeds, took over the damn yard and half the valley out back. some kind of weed.
  17. hoooooockkkkspiiiitoooooeey, goldbar hicks.......
  18. loved the bouldering forum.
  19. kix

    Road Rage

    'pretty funny' is not cause enough to click a link. 'hilarious' yes, 'pretty funny' nah.
  20. kix

    Anti-gay slugs????

    I have a hard time envisioning a banana slug 'chewing'. slurping yes, chewing no.
  21. there was an interesting show on PBS last night about the forest service, gifford pinchot, management and policy evolution, etc.... no mams or thongs tho
  22. and maybe even from the land of sky blue waters?
  23. You can call Hamm's Light a fine ale. But its still Hamm's Light. the threads are more akin to Stone Breweries Arrogant Bastard or Imperial Russian Stout if you insist on a beer analogy. Certainly not Hamms Light. althought those are some lovely hamms. curious to see how long this perfectly decent pic lasts. mod squad in 3, 2, 1... (I will remove the pic if asked, jsut making fun)
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