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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. so it has been cleared? it was certainly impassable when I was up there. I would like to know if any more work needs to be done, I've been talking with Greg Orton and the FS about organizing a cleanup, I assume one is not needed anymore?
  2. there is still a little bit of the structure. mostly just the base and a few peices of scraps, lots of history in those woods.
  3. i will top this one last time.... i am realllllly need the funds.
  4. ive done this before it seems like it would help in 2 person rope teams.
  5. dont think i saw this posted but i figured id post it since i had the picture, sharpend cliffhanger and grapling hooks. i find i use them more than the unsharpend ones.
  6. Way to condition them while they're young! yikes no shit!
  7. Ya I don't know I'm no bird expert, but I specifically remember him saying it was a pair of bald eagles.
  8. You mean Golden Eagles. Bald Eagles nest in trees, Golden Eagles nest on cliffs. looks like the ranger was wrong
  9. ken4ord- I'm curious as you what you are doing in africa? youve posted some great TR's, just wondering whats keeping ya down there for so long?
  10. I dont know if yours was a serious question, if so... Lynn Hill in 93 Tommy Caldwell and Beth Rodden in 05
  11. that route is bleached from the hoards of people
  12. I have been chatting with Mr. Orton about organizing a clean up day, anyone interested?(Send me a PM) Also I belive I found an alternate route in, I will post for those that are interested. Ian- I will call the FS about it, but like I said before these days they have absolutly no money to maintain low use roads. When the FS was cutting down trees it seems they had a bit more money for maintnence but now they seem to be lacking.
  13. it is not closed, only little three fingerd jack is closed right now due to a pair of bald eagles.
  14. http://www.minidisco.com/earbud-headphones.html they have a great variety at that site
  15. im wondering if any one has any experinceing organizing road clean ups or something to that effect. it could be a long while till the FS ever clears up this road. im wonering if it would be at all possible to get a group of climbers together to try and figure something out.
  16. mike i want your bouldering sucks sweatshirt but i can not see what the front looks like, do you customize?
  17. every one seriously needs to quit bitching about REI... it has been played out
  18. im going to top this... i reallly need some money to go climbing!! make offers
  19. more publicity for cc.coms superstars mike layton and erik wolfe. nice to finally see something close to home in alpinist right on you guys
  20. Hmmm thors hammer seems to far west though. But what I want to know is if there are any routes there and about access...
  21. sawtooths in idaho could be good in sept. i was there in early sept this past year and had great conditions.
  22. got some great long range shots of you that day lemme know if you want em
  23. my buddy was having sex with this girl on heart ledges on el cap ironically an infamous super topo poster was solo on the "heartbreak hotel" ledge peering down on them all night long
  24. Seriously who the hell should care, i imagine it was prbably some "cool" climber dudes from UofO that heard nailing is bad, when they dont know the differnce beetween a RURP or a bong, and have never swung a hammer... the columns is a training ground, and you where training, KBs leave almost no scar in basalt. as long as no one is nailing bongs into fat crack everyone should relax. id like to see someone get some clean gear or there fingers in a true KB placement. if the columns really had pure ethics we would be building our anchors out of gear not clipping into one of the 30 bolts drilled on top. in fact i praise you for having the guts to nail there, ive handplaced beaks there but thats about it. layedback - is that you Cody who had graciously belayed me on crutches while starting my aid career? let hook up again sometime and do some aid!
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