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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. Trip: Mt. Hood south side -


    Date: 3/16/2007


    Trip Report:

    I and my friend Ryan went up the southside route of Hood. We got a late start and headed up to the summit at about 7am. Because we were both really affected by the altitude and were carrying about 40 pounds of gear apeice, it took us seven and a half hours to summit. We ditched most of our useless gear a few hundred feet before we reached the hogsback because we were both gasping for air. The climb was sheer misery. Every 50-200 feet we would have to stop and rest, and I felt like going to sleep for most of the climb.


    Approach Notes:

    Not enough air up there


    jesus christ and you want to try liberty ridge. dont kill your self

  2. heh - no worries on our end. those echo chambers have a way of amplifying your shouts to everyone except your belayer.


    Ya a lot of the times Ill carry radios aid climbing to avoid that sort of crap. Part of the problem was he traversed all the way over to the anchor on the west face, so then once he untied and moved he was able to hear me better.

  3. Oh, and cheers to the huge "woohooo!" shoutfest that evening on the front side. It was hilarious. The hikers in front of us were freaking out at all the yelling in the canyon.


    lol - ah...faces to names. all me and my partner could tell was that some dude named Ian wasn't getting the message to "FIX THE F***ING ROPE". I think all the hikers were getting it though. several times. :D


    had us cracking up. nice work on the climb though btw.


    Heh, Ian steped up to do his first real aid climb with me, and graciously offerd to lead the last bolt ladder pitch. Due to my poor communication I hadn't properly informed him on exactly what to do apoun reaching an aid belay. So a bit of yelling took place to try and relay the propper message. Some of the pitches on the monkey, last pitch of east face, 3rd pitch of west face often have poor communication. Sorry to all who heard me yell the f word! Props to Ian for stepping up and letting me use his alpine aiders and he used slings for the climb, when I forgot my regular aiders.

  4. Was that you when I yelled down how was first kiss or something like that? The east face is C2 more or less some people might say C2+ I dont know tho. There are couple of cruxy places, where I am in the picture I think is one of the harder parts I kept blowing nuts and aliens when I was testing em, but finally got a TCU to stick so I could make the move. Its pretty darn steep and eats little nuts. Great route if your solid on clean aid. Bring lots of nuts, and a large hook is nice. Last pitch has all old bolts but I plan on doing something about that soon, we did replace the anchor atop P2 a month ago.

  5. i will be in utah from the 22nd until sometime in early april and want to do a wall in zion or a fisher tower. anyone wanting to meet up there and do a wall that would be way cool!

  6. I've got 4 Hugh Banner Flexi cams for sale in quite good condition, never fallen on. These are acctually a pretty good cam and are quite light. They are more or less equal to .75, 1, 2, & 3 camalots. I'm asking 25 per cam.


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