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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. theif.jpg


    The hippy douche on the left was caught by locals today after a long spree of stealing draws off some of the harder projects around Smith by stick clipping his ass up them. Who knows what else he stole. His excuse when caught was that they where unsafe. That is BS. Anyways you see this dude at the crag, slap him in the face. :fahq:

  2. Sweet, wow thanks... ya I have looked at that a while ago, but did not think of it this time around so thanks for the reminder! Either way I still havent found anything so I'm open to all options!

  3. but its faster to rap.



    Just based on my own experience... ANY route at Smith that does not top out on a summit it is quicker to walk off NO MATTER WHAT, than rap! (MY only exception is the cinnimon slab area if it is clear enough to toss ropes down and rap than yes you might beat someone walking off, please though if its busy walk down cocaine gully) Now I know Smith routes are often set up to rap but please PLEASE walk off if you can! SERIOUSLY IF IT IS NOT A SINGLE PITCH SPORT ROUTE PLEASE FIND THE WALK OFF.


    Oh and you climb a route with a walk off, and didnt walk off, YOU didnt climb the route! :fahq:

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