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Posts posted by corvallisclimb

  1. I'm selling this for a friend who doesnt use the site. I have this same one and this is my favourite big wall gear sling. I dont like the ones with multiple clip loops because you cant push your gear back out of the way. This one has been used maybe once and has a little paint missing off the zipper. Looks just like the one in the picture except the colour is grey. $20+shipping.



  2. Whoops! Too bad you didn't go to the Depot for Fish Tacos to complete the full send.

    dammit, you left out the msot critical bit of beta! i settled for cold mac n' cheese after discovering i'd destroyed the seal of my stove somehow...


    Haha sadly they where closed last month for renovations, otherwise I obviously woulda thrown it out there. Nice job again thats a soild two days in the park too!

  3. I've got an OR Boundless Jacket size large for sale. I'm asking 180 that includes shipping. 170 picked up. The color is Pilsner, or yellow. Brand new with tags still on it. I can take real pics if you care. This is a reallllly nice jacket its just too big so I would like some money to put towards another one.


    I am in Corvallis/Terrebonne, Oregon.




  4. Chill the fuck out frankazoid. Ian the one whos draws where getting stolen is an Oregon State Park Employee. Do you whoop ass when your on the clock, or at your place of work? If so you are fucking bad ass. :fahq:

  5. You said you will be tagging all three of the Sisters, I decided to mention this was almost done back in Feb of 1969 - Three friends and I started at Dutchmans Flat, skied above Todd Lake and then around the South ridge of Broken Top down to Green Lakes on the first day, 75 pound packs - Don't make a kick turn and fall downhill, its a bitch to get back up - Camped at lakes, and next morning off to climb Broken Top - It was a nice romp, with only the knife edge ridge to summit troubling - One eye down one side and the other eye on other side - Back to camp with a nice ski down - Next day was South Sister, and It was a nice long up hill ski - Three of us left skies at Red Ridge, while Gary Grimm skied to summit and back down - He did a nice forward flip, landed it, but it was not on purpose - He was the only one with cross country skies - They came from Norway which was the only place to get them then - We had army mountain skies, mutter - Three day, was travel to Chambers Lake, which was the only time we had bad weather, and it was a hard wind which made putting up the two tents a problem - The next day was a "rest day" to fix some equipment and get in some fun sking in the open areas - Its the 6th day, and we head up to the col between Middle and North - Set up camp and the young bucks, full of energy decided to climb Middle - I offered to start cooking evening meal - They zipped up and down - We are camped in the area where Willi Unsoeld once told me, they were hit with the worst weather he ever was in - Next day The other three are heading to climb the North, but I wanted to do the Middle - It was one of the best days I ever had in the mountains, no wind, only the sound of the crampons crunching into the snow - The summit was reached with no problems and I hated to leave - When I got back to tents, I started to pack up things - Soon Gary Grimm wandered in - He had turned back as his feet were starting to worry him, and he was concerned about frostbite - We continued to pack up, and eventually Dale Moon and Steve Schafers returned, with the news they got to the traverse, and the snow and ice conditions were too marginal with the tools of that time - Knowing thier abilities, it was a smart decision to make, though hard - Soon things were packed up and we had the ski of our life down to White Branch Creek - Decided to follow the creek down to where we we were able to just walk up a little ridge and we we on the Dead House Grade of McKenzie Pass Road - Its was all downhill to White Branch Youth Camp where a friend waited for us - While others had skied though the Sisters before, nobody had ever tried to also climb them - While missing out on the North, and real attempt had been made - Wish you best of luck with the weather, and success on your journey.



    Was waiting for this story too show up on here somewhere! Thanks Gary!

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