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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I am Everyman. But you aren't Spartacus But Trashie does like both oyster's and snails. That's why he gets along so well with SC.
  2. I was going to say, "oh yeah", but I thought about it and that is pretty weak. Don't start an argument you aren't willing to finish. I didn't start it. Look at the subject line and the initial post. I'm just having my fun.
  3. I love how you think you can discern emotion over an emotionless medium of bits over TCP/IP. I'm highly amused by this thread, not the least bit "angry". It's all about rattling the monkeys' cage.
  4. Well, how about convincing this moderate? This is retarded. You could be making an argument but you're just spraying. It's like admitting that you just have an opinion that you can't back up. It's the same old shit you see from both sides, pointless sniping with no actual substance. YOUR ALL RETARDED Dude, this IS spray. WTF, you take this seriously??
  5. Yeah he'll just send you here: APOCALYPSE NOW!!!!!!!!! Michael Savage is a sleazy jackass. And so is Ann Coulter. Let's see you say the same about someone on the left.
  6. It's BIG BUSINESS that is sleazy, remember? Get your story straight. And salaried engineers are not paid on the clock.
  7. again, no surprise there. you guys just fit the stereotype so well.
  8. ... and you've got 10 minutes to back it up in this thread before everyone agrees you lost the argument. I don't give a rat's ass if I convince any ACLU-supporting, God-hating, pinko losers on this list.
  9. knee jerk my ass. the ACLU (and sleazy lawyers) have been pulling their bullshit for as long as I remember. I've had decades to formulate my opinion.
  10. Like flies to shit - Trashie to the ACLU!
  11. What do I think about the ACLU and lawyers in general? I think they're opportunistics, self-serving fucks, who go around democtratic processes by manipulating the legal system, and ruin people's lives and reputations using insidious, malicious tactics. On the social scale they are right above child molesters and right below politicians.
  12. What is SMF? STFU, you assmonkey
  13. Ask Eddie Van Halen what he prefers.
  14. And his books still sell for a prophet.
  15. find a mirror
  16. They were here. 5 great uncles and one grandfather all together. One grandfather failed his physical due to a bad leg break in the mines and poor medical treatment. They were all in the army. Some were in the Pacific Theater.
  17. Which branch of the service were you in? I wasn't born yet.
  18. Unfortunately for you all, I'm immortal. The God you don't believe in has a say in that.
  19. Actually, I'm one of those pacifist pussies that protested the war, and I'm quite proud of that fact. You have serious problems with reading comprehension. I'm talking WW II not Iraq!
  20. you would have made a great lamp shade. they decided they'd prefer a different fate.
  21. Actually several members of my family were in Germany killing Nazis, and I'm quite proud of that fact. Of course, you would have been one of those pacifist pussies protesting the war. We established long ago that you find all war an "abomination" and that you could not get into "hypotheticals" about what YOU would kill or die for.
  22. The photos are dated examples from another era, long past. They fit the angry personality of the poster far better than the subject at hand, which is not "intentions", but rather actual economic performance. The current reality is that the world's largest communist regime, good intentions or not, is also the world's fastest growing economy. At the same time, the world's shining example of free market capitalism is sagging under a massive trade deficit, an even larger budget deficit, and steady currency devaluation. Beaten by the commies at our own game. Go figure. Oh, and by the way, despite Stalin's many 'faults', he did do one nice thing. He beat Hitler. 1) "Never Forget" is not just for the Jews. 2) Lenin had a great phrase for people like you: poleznyje idioty
  23. Yeah, well Uncle Joe loved children. You gullible fool.
  24. Sorry, tovarish , but I'm not going to your reeducation camp to learn how to "reason" about all the great things Uncle Joe, Chairman Mao and other commie cocksuckers have done for the world. I don't want any of that Kool-Aid.
  25. The photos are an inconvenient reality which utterly negate your moronic arguments about the "good intentions" of communist regimes. The "dishonor" to the victims is propagated by fuckheads like you who regurgitate disgusting leftist lies and moral relativist bullshit about how the communists have done "good things too". Fuck you, asshole.
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