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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. nope. some do. many people of faith consider your life's journey to involve periods of faith being cyclical and part of a lifelong process. at times it is expected you would question the existence of God, the purpose of life and so on. It is a personal journey that everyone must undertake. Forcing someone to think a certain way at a certain period of time in their life damages this process. The gospels support this notion (the workers who are paid the same salary and do less than a day's work); and some saints have led lives exemplifying this process as well (Augustine). and don't confuse talking about religion and faith as forcing it on you. it's not the same.
  2. yeah, that's a great fucking vision of life. no wonder atheists are so hateful, pathetic, and unhappy. so what you're saying is that for you religion is the "green pill" and the reason you're happy? i know many happy atheists who go on about life in a very positive way. when you know that your life is finite, you tend to live it fully. I am talking about rabid, anti-religious atheists. Many agnostics and "quiet" atheists have found happiness. I apply the above comments related to only to the former group, and those are the ones you hear from the most.
  3. Say what? Your post kicking this off is example number one of obfuscation and diversion. Given the way discussions go around here, and your frequent role in slamming the miserable and pathetic excuses for human beings you see in the whiny liberals on this board, you can only have hoped for the reaction to be some critique of Christianity and a bandstand for you to go on your soapbox about how secular humanism is devoid of human spirit or whatever your point may be. It was an intersting post, though the main point I can draw from it is that there are some freaks who do weird and potentially dangerous things in the name of religion. once again you're way off base. what I often hear from liberals and lefties in general is that we have to be "non-judgemental" of other cultures. all cultures are the same; all religions are the same. Moral relativism reigns supreme. I also hear and see repeated, concerted attacks on Christians - American Christians in particular, who are painted as extremists, ignorant, superstitious, und so weiter. All this criticism takes place in an insipid, cultural vacuum. The typical background of this group are Anglo-centric, ignorant, narcissistic, pseudo-intellectuals pontificating on "injustice", "subjugation", "discrimination" and a myriad of other topics whose worldview is impoverished, unidimensional, and softened by a comparatively rich, luxurious, and pain-free lifestyle. And the response to my initial post from people like Dru and ChucK only reinforces this thesis.
  4. you guys are masters of obfuscation and diversion. some whacko religious tools are slicing little boys on the head, terrifying them and scarring them for life emotionally and all you can talk about by comparison is circumcision? oh, I forgot, since you all worship your own dick, and what you do with it, that is the most inviolate offence imaginable.
  5. Yeah, that's really comparable. You can roll your eyes back from the back of your skull to view the real world again. Dude. You slice a friggin' piece of flesh completely OFF the male's dick, without anesthesia. They have less to say about it than the kids in your post. The kids in the post aren't permanently altered. funny, I don't remember that at all. I bet these little kids remember their *multiple* head-slicings for the rest of their lives
  6. yeah, that's a great fucking vision of life. no wonder atheists are so hateful, pathetic, and unhappy.
  7. you're completely retarded
  8. my grandfather used to be an expert at picking mushrooms. just not *that* kind though.
  9. how about them? they're criminals and no Catholic sanctions that behavior. there have been cover-ups, but it's not part of the Church's doctrine. This little ritual of slashing little children with big ass butcher knives IS apparently sanctioned. Yeah, that's really comparable. You can roll your eyes back from the back of your skull to view the real world again.
  10. what the hell is your new avatar? looks like a red shroom with a yellow stalk
  11. that's a load of bullshit, OW. but you're free to believe what you want
  12. the link was about slashing *children*. big difference from *self*-flagellation.
  13. KaskadskyjKozak

    Shock Art

    phat bottom girls make the rockin world go round. just roll 'er in flour and find the wet spot...
  14. linky
  15. Got Milk?
  16. Actually it was a joke. Read what Kevboner wrote immediately preceding my response. I'll speak english only once everyone else around me does. You come into this country You can't get real jobs Boats and boats and boats of you Go home you fuckin' slobs Selling hot dogs on the corner Selling papers in the street Pushing, pulling, digging, sweating Where you come from must be beat [CHORUS] You always make us wait You're the ones we hate You can't communicate Speak English Or Die You don't know what I want You don't know what I need Why must I repeat myself Can't you fuckin' read? Nice fuckin' accents Why can't you speak like me What's that dot on you head, Do you use it to see?? [CHORUS-MOSH PART-CHORUS] SOD
  17. sounds like a good option... it may be a big change, but that would be a temporary change, right (within a year you'd switch again anyways)? Sometimes unexpected change can be good too. best of luck! I'm hoping the experience will make me more employable, so I can stay in this area. I like it here. Lots of good places to go climbing. I've had quite a bit of job upheaval myself since 2002. If I had my druthers I never would have left making custom, in-house software to support biotech research/projects, but have had to mostly step out of that area. Every change has benefited me. I too, would rather change job areas than leave this area. :-)
  18. Actually it was a joke. Read what Kevboner wrote immediately preceding my response. I'll speak english only once everyone else around me does.
  19. What are you saying? закрий морду, дурню!
  20. sounds like a good option... it may be a big change, but that would be a temporary change, right (within a year you'd switch again anyways)? Sometimes unexpected change can be good too. best of luck!
  21. Congrats!! Kick butt and take no prisoners. :-)
  22. His post was clear to me.
  23. Slosh ball.
  24. The problem in the age of mass media is the demand for celebrity politicians, empty suits who look and sound "good". Fuck form, we need substance.
  25. Genetically, we're 98% the same as our president. I am so ashamed.... Genetically, we're all only about 0.5% different from anybody else.
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