no, he didn't. my point was not that ANY hetero couple is the bestest in the world, but that the ideal for raising children involves a father and mother. having a shitty father and/or mother is not part of the ideal.
and, back to the monogamy topic, what I have noticed is that children of divorce seem to have the most trouble, on average, with committment. I'm pretty sure I've read reports on research backing this up and I've damn well seen it in people I know. again, the non-ideal situation of lacking a stable set of parents leads to (on average) worse outcomes.
likewise, girls with no strong father figure are more likely to be sexually abused and have other problems (drug use, depression, etc). Again, I recall reading reports on studies of this.
anyways, I'm done with this thread. I'm sorry I got sucked into it. you guys would argue the shade of blue of the sky if it got into your mind.